
Results 72 comments of DWesl

> I can't easily tell from looking at the repos of the various Qt examples what FDL-1.3 applies to. - [PySide licenses the documentation under GFDL 1.3](https://code.qt.io/cgit/pyside/pyside-setup.git/tree/sources/pyside6/doc/conf.py.in#n63) - QtBase seems...

Locally, it appears the python `cmake` package defines `_WIN32` or `__WIN32__` on Cygwin, which breaks its bundled curl build. Is there some way to tell it to use the system...

> `fatal error in forked process - MEM_COMMIT failed, Win32 error 1455` Well that's a new kind of `fork()` failure.

The most recent commit should have stopped trying to install wxPython, so I'm not sure what to do about the six failing `MPLBACKEND: wxagg` tests

> ``` > FAILED lib/matplotlib/tests/test_matplotlib.py::test_tmpconfigdir_warning - AssertionError: assert 'set the MPLCONFIGDIR' in '' > 634 > + where '' = CompletedProcess(args=['/usr/bin/python', '-c', 'import matplotlib'], returncode=0, stderr='').stderr > 635 > FAILED...

It looks like all the rest are fork failures. There was only one before I tried to fix it, so let's see if undoing that fix gets things passing. In...

The new CI run passes! Now let's see if it can do that consistently. It looks like the remaining failures are mostly docs-related, then a compilation failure on Windows.

Should I have moved the stdint include after the Python.h include rather than moving Python.h before stdint.h?

Should I squash the first ninety or so commits? Most of them are changes to the debugging level, and one or two got merged in other PRs; it's mostly the...

Seems you aren't attached to the 100-commit bit, so here's a three-commit version.