The drillholes name appears only when we move the mouse on the diagraphy curves, can you add systematically on the top of the column the drillhole name ?
Import holes is never active, I guess there is a bug this fonctionality
I Wonder if there is any possibilities to create an Atlas wiew with all the named section. It can be very usefull to illustrate a geological report if we can...
Maybe this issue is not on the right place beacause it 's concern the log view......I notice when there is many collars selected on the map with Albion, the order...
I have the impression that there is no lithological symbol in the QGIS/Albion package, can we add this Library for the new Albion package ?
The remove column buton in the well log Tools working only temporarily. the selected column disappear for the view log when press the button at the time 1. But at...
Can we change the name of the avp table ?,instead of avp key word can I propose to use radiometry word, it would be more correct t, avp word is...
Small to problem to solve, I guess but in the tutorial data the mineralization table is not load, when we load all the data in the selected directory
It would be nice to add a button in th Albion Tools box to zoom on the cross section in the main map view. The cross section trend would be...
I notice if I change the location of Anchor line, the resistivity section layer doesn't follow the Anchor line, and the resistivity stay at the previous location to the Anchor...