PowerShell-Beautifier icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
PowerShell-Beautifier copied to clipboard

A whitespace reformatter and code cleaner for Windows PowerShell and PowerShell Core

Results 25 PowerShell-Beautifier issues
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We use a slightly different style for formatting PS code but still would like to use this formatter so here's a bunch of changes which gets it to the style...

Thanks for making this great script, this is the only beautifier I could find online so far. I installed PowerShell-Beautifier yesterday. I found a small issue when running your it,...

Perhaps the project could add a Sublime Text package to the roadmap. Certainly such a package would be nice to have.

After Install-Module the module is normally in the global module directory so prefixing with .\ won't find it. Also strip the extension since it is not needed and less strict.

`$i--` is formatted to `$i --` with the reformatter. Example: ```PowerShell for ($i = 99; $i -gt 1; $i--) { Write-Output -InputObject "$i bottles of beer on the wall, $i...

I've encountered an issue, where the following snippet ``` netsh interface ipv4 set address blabla ``` gets transformed to ``` netsh interface ipv4 Set-Variable address blabla ``` Is there a...

Hello i'm using powershell 7. here's what i tried. ``` > Install-Module -Name PowerShell-Beautifier > Import-Module .\PowerShell-Beautifier.psd1 Import-Module: The specified module '.\PowerShell-Beautifier.psd1' was not loaded because no valid module file...

Hi, The following function returns the error below. Any ideas? The function works perfectly well in PoSh 5.1 - I got it from an MS blog so it should be...

Hi Dan! In reaction to your great effort about File encoding, I like to point you to the following information about Microsofts decision about Textfile encoding. (fi you do not...

Currently the `Edit-DTWBeautifyScript` cmdlet doesn't support relative file paths. As I sometimes have quite long paths to deal with, I would like to be able refer to the input and...