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Python Parsers for BigData, built with antlr4.
English | 简体中文
dt-python-parser is a Python Parser project based on ANTLR4 for the big data field. Through ANTLR4 the default generated Parser, Visitor and Listener objects, we can easily achieve the Syntax Validation (Syntax Validation), ** of Python statements Lexical analysis** (Tokenizer), traverse AST nodes and other functions. In addition, several auxiliary methods are provided, for example, to filter comments of type #
and """
in Python statements.
Supported Python syntax version:
- Python2
- Python3
Tip: The current Parser is the
language version, if necessary, you can try to compile the Grammar file to other target languages
// use npm
npm i dt-python-parser --save
// use yarn
yarn add dt-python-parser
Syntax Validation
First, you need to declare the corresponding Parser object. Different Python syntax versions need to introduce different Parser object processing. For example, if it is for Python2, you need to introduce Python2 Parser separately, here we use Python3 As an example:
import {Python3Parser} from 'dt-python-parser';
const parser = new Python3Parser();
const correctPython = `print('abc')\nprint('abc')\n`;
const errors = parser.validate(correctPython);
Example of verification failure:
const incorrectPython =
'! a = 10\nif a> 5:\n print("a bigger than 5")\nelse:\n print("a smaller than 5")';
const errors = parser.validate(incorrectPython);
startLine: 1,
endLine: 1,
startCol: 0,
endCol: 1,
message: "extraneous input'!' expecting {<EOF>,'def','return','raise','from','import','import','global','nonlocal','assert', 'if','while','for','try','with','lambda','not','None','True','False','class','yield','yield ','del','pass','continue','break','break', NEWLINE, NAME, STRING_LITERAL, BYTES_LITERAL, DECIMAL_INTEGER, OCT_INTEGER, HEX_INTEGER, BIN_INTEGER, FLOAT_NUMBER, IMAG_NUMBER, DECIMAL_INTEGER, HCTEXGER, HCTEXGER, FLOAT_NUMBER, IMAG_NUMBER,'...','*','(','[','+','-','~','{','@'}"
First instantiate the Parser object, and then use the validate
method to verify the Python statement. If the verification fails, an array containing the error
information is returned.
Lexical Analysis (Tokenizer)
In necessary scenarios, you can perform lexical analysis on Python sentences separately to obtain all Tokens objects:
import {Python3Parser} from 'dt-python-parser';
const parser = new Python3Parser();
const python ='for i in range(5):\n print(i)';
const tokens = parser.getAllTokens(python);
CommonToken {
source: [[Python3Lexer], [InputStream] ],
type: 14,
channel: 0,
start: 0,
stop: 2,
tokenIndex: -1,
line: 1,
column: 0,
_text: null
Visitor mode (Visitor)
Use Visitor mode to visit the specified node in the AST
import {Python3Parser, Python3Visitor} from 'dt-python-parser';
const parser = new Python3Parser();
const python = `import sys\nfor i in sys.argv:\n print(i)`;
// parseTree
const tree = parser.parse(python);
class MyVisitor extends Python3Visitor {
// Override visitImport_name method
visitImport_name(ctx): void {
let importName = ctx
console.log('ImportName', importName);
const visitor = new MyVisitor();
ImportName sys
Tip: When using Visitor mode, the method name of the node can be found in the Visitor file in the corresponding Python directory
In Listener mode, use the ParseTreeWalker object provided by ANTLR4 to traverse the AST and call the corresponding method when entering each node.
import {Python3Parser, Python3Listener} from 'dt-python-parser';
const parser = new Python3Parser();
const python ='import sys\nfor i in sys.argv:\n print(i)';
// parseTree
const tree = parser.parse(python);
class MyListener extends Python3Listener {
enterImport_name(ctx): void {
let importName = ctx
console.log('ImportName', importName);
const listenTableName = new MyListener();
parser.listen(listenTableName, tree);
ImportName sys
Tip: When using Listener mode, the method name of the node can be found in the Listener file in the corresponding Python directory
Clean up comment content
Clear comments and leading and trailing spaces
import {cleanPython} from 'dt-python-parser';
const python = `#it is for test\nfor i in range(5):\n print(i)`;
const cleanedPython = cleanPython(python);
for i in range(5):
Get comment content
Get comments of type #
or """
import { lexer } from 'dt-python-parser';
const python = `"""it is for test"""\nvar1 = "Hello World!"\nfor i in range(5):\n print(i)`;
const commentTokens = lexer(python);
type: 'Comment',
value: '"""it is for test"""',
start: 0,
lineNumber: 1,
end: 20
Other API
- parserTreeToString (input: string):
Parse Python into
style tree string, generally used for testing
- Auto-complete
- Code formatting
- Grammar structure optimization
- Execution efficiency optimization