HoloAPI copied to clipboard
Refresh Display
Updating a line on the hologram then calling refreshDisplay causes the hologram to flicker. Using updateDisplay will not cause it to flicker but does not update the display. Relevant code is pasted below. This code runs in a loop very 20 ticks and causes it to flicker each time.
for (Hologram hologram : holograms.get(mode)) {
System.out.println("Queue size for " + mode.getName() + " : " + queueSize);
hologram.updateLine(hologram.getLines().length - 2, ChatColor.GOLD.toString() + queueSize + (queueSize == 1 ? " player" : " players") + " in queue");
hologram.updateLine(hologram.getLines().length - 1, ChatColor.GREEN.toString() + serverCount + (serverCount == 1 ? " server" : " servers"));
I blame @DSH105
!fix @CaptainBern
Entity Metadata packet isn't sending correctly.