blobtools copied to clipboard
no-hit 80%
Hi, I'm running a test with some WGS short-reads insects data, everything looks good, but blobtools results showed around 80% no-hit. Why?
Here is the command I used: ##BLAST blastn -query KST141.fasta -db core_nt -outfmt "6 qseqid staxids bitscore std sscinames sskingdoms stitle" -max_hsps 1 -evalue 1e-25 -out KST141_blast.out -num_threads 30
##BLOBTOOLS blobtools create --infile KST141.fasta --hitsfile KST141_blast.out --bam minimap2_KST141_sorted.bam --nodes /home/os/Metawrap/KST141/taxdump/nodes.dmp --names /home/os/Metawrap/KST141/taxdump/names.dmp --out KST141 --title BlobDB blobtools view --input KST141.blobDB.json blobtools plot --infile KST141.blobDB.json
Thanks for the help!