DungeonsXL copied to clipboard
Item that deal damage more than teammate HP can kill teammate
When in dungeon default configuration set friendly fire to false right? (if not true, I set friendly fire to false in configuration for sure) but with item that deal damage more than teammate HP can kill teammate and losing lives
- just join group with some player
- play some standard setting dungeon ([ready] sign, [lobby] sign, [end] sign, [start] sign)
- hit teammate with some item that deal damage over teammate HP (In this case i use iron sword with sharpness 60)
Expected behavior
teammate should not die but he's die and losing lives
Screenshots / GIFs / videos
Relevant configuration files
# Defines the map environment, as this is not saved in the map itself.
# May be set to either THE_END, NETHER or NORMAL.
# If this setting is left out (or if no floor config is used at all), NORMAL will be used.
# NORMAL stores region files in {map}/regions,
# NETHER in {map}/DIM-1/regions and
# THE_END in {map}/DIM1/regions.
# CraftBukkit usually splits dimensions into separate world folders,
# but keeps this folder structure.
worldEnvironment: NORMAL
# Players who can edit the dungeon (/dxl invite)
# You my add both UUIDs and names.
# invitedPlayers:
# - sataniel
# Time until a player is kicked from this dungeon after going offline (in seconds)
# -1 = never / 0 = immediately
timeUntilKickOfflinePlayer: 600
# Time in hours until a player can play this dungeon again
# This prevents players from playing the dungeon again if they started the dungeon,
# no matter if they finished, left it or got kicked.
# timeToNextPlayAfterStart: 6
# This only prevents players from playing the dungeon again if they finished it correctly.
# If they leave it or get kicked, players can always retry a dungeon.
# timeToNextPlayAfterFinish: 12
# Time until a player can get loot for another time
# timeToNextLoot: 12
# Time until a new mob waves begins when enough mobs are killed.
timeToNextWave: 10
# Dungeons can be played with a timer.
# If the group has no time left, the players get kicked.
timeToFinish: 300
# The game mode, SURVIVAL if nothing
# If players may fly.
fly: false
# PvP
playerVersusPlayer: true
# Friendly fire refers just to members of the same group
friendlyFire: false
# These commands can be used by all players if they are in the dungeon.
# DXL commands like /dxl leave are included by default.
# - version
- f list
- f show
- ch global
# One of these Dungeons must be finished ("any" for any dungeon).
# If you do not want any, leave this empty.
# mustFinishOne:
# - any
# All of these Dungeons must be finished. If you do not want any, leave this empty.
# mustFinishAll:
# - jumpinjackflash
# - highwaytohell
# - wontgetfooledagain
# Max time in hours after the last finish of one of the Dungeons above
# timeLastPlayed: 336
# Where the player respawns when he leaves the dungeon without finishing the game.
# escapeLocation: "spawnworld,49.5,65.0,598.5,29.0,-84.4"
# Where the player respawns when he finishs the game.
# finishLocation: "spawnworld,49.5,65.0,598.5"
# A list of requirements
# Note that requirements will be ignored if the player has the
# dxl.ignorerequirements permission node.
# Dungeon can only be played on a friday and from sunday to tuesday respectively at 15-16 o'clock.
# Note that the week in the Java Calendar API begins with sunday, so SATURDAY-SUNDAY does not work.
# - "FRIDAY"
# - "15-16"
# feeMoney: 7.5
# feeLevel: 2
# If the group has too many or not enough members, the players will not be allowed to use the ready sign.
minimum: 1
maximum: 4
# Players must have these permission nodes to enter the dungeon:
# permission:
# - my.custom.node
# - yet.another.node
# Items that may not be taken into the dungeon
# forbiddenItems:
# Items the player must have to play the dungeon
# keyItems:
# Shall players play the dungeon with their own items or do you want to use classes?
keepInventoryOnEnter: true
# Shall players lose their items when they die (do not mix up this with "onEscape"!)?
keepInventoryOnDeath: true
# Shall players keep their inventory when they finish the dungeon?
keepInventoryOnFinish: true
# Shall players keep their inventory when they leave the dungeon without succeeding?
keepInventoryOnEscape: true
# If players can build and destroy blocks in this world.
breakBlocks: false
# If players may destroy blocks they placed themselves.
breakPlacedBlocks: true
# A whitelist of breakable blocks.
# breakBlocks is supposed to be set to "true" if this should be used.
# # A material value and a list of all tools that can destroy this block
# # Dirt blocks can be destroyed with any tool
# DIRT: []
# A list of all entity types that shall be protected from damage.
# If this is left out AND if breakBlocks is false, armor stands, paintings
# and item frames will be protected by default.
# If this is left out and if breakBlocks is true, nothing will be protected by default.
# A list of all entity types
# If this is left out AND if breakBlocks is false, armor stands
# and item frames will be protected by default.
# If this is left out and if breakBlocks is true, nothing will be protected by default.
placeBlocks: true
# A whitelist of placeable blocks.
# placeBlocks is supposed to be set to "true" if this should be used.
# Amount of lives a player initially has when he enters a dungeon
initialLives: 3
# Alternatively, you can use group lives.
# initialGroupLives: 3
# Messages also to be created with /dxl msg
'1': Welcome to this dungeon!
'2': Another message
# Items you cannot drop or destroy
# - 69
# A list of permissions players get while they play the game.
# The permissions get removed as soon as the player leaves the game.
# Requires Vault and a permissions plugin like PermissionsEx.
- dxl.reload
# - another.node
# Use this to replace the default ready / new floor message.
# This is fully compatible with the override system.
# If titles are deactivated in the main config, this is not going to work.
title: "&bS&ftage &71"
subtitle: "&7Ruin &fCatacomb"
# actionBar: "&aA C T I O N B A R"
chat: "&bCentered chat message"
# How long shall the title be visible (seconds)?
# The title works without these three options.
fadeIn: 1.0
show: 3.0
fadeOut: 1.0
# If it should rain permanently in the dungeon
# true = permanent rain
# false = permanent sun
# leaving this out = random weather like in vanilla Minecraft
rain: false
# Same principle as above but for thunderstorms
thunder: false
# The time ticks (to be used like in the vanilla /time command)
time: 20000