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Window manager scripts and configs
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= i3b
== Description
Buce's window manager scripts and configs.
== Install
There's an link:https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/i3b[AUR package] for Arch Linux
and a Makefile for other distros.
In addition, many of the scripts can be installed standalone
by dropping them in your $PATH
and making them executable.
== Requirements
- i3blocks-monit: bash, monit
- i3blocks-pickdate: bash, pickdate
- i3move: perl, xrandr, xdotool
- i3scratchmark: bash, jq
- pickdate: rofi, cal, awk
- rofile: bash, rofi
== Utilities
=== https://dmbuce.github.io/i3b/i3move.1.html[i3move]
Move a floating i3 window.
Demo: https://i.imgur.com/IVnZ9fS.mp4
Example usage: https://dmbuce.github.io/i3b/i3move.1.html#_examples
=== https://dmbuce.github.io/i3b/i3scratchmark.1.html[i3scratchmark]
Manage i3 scratchpad windows with marks.
Example usage: https://dmbuce.github.io/i3b/i3scratchmark.1.html#_examples
=== https://dmbuce.github.io/i3b/pickdate.1.html[pickdate]
A simple rofi date picker.
Keybindings: https://dmbuce.github.io/i3b/pickdate.1.html#_description
=== https://dmbuce.github.io/i3b/i3blocks-pickdate.1.html[i3blocks-pickdate]
Use pickdate
as a dropdown calendar in i3blocks.
Example usage: https://dmbuce.github.io/i3b/i3blocks-pickdate.1.html#_examples
=== https://dmbuce.github.io/i3b/i3blocks-monit.1.html[i3blocks-monit]
Add link:https://mmonit.com/monit/[monit] services summary to i3blocks.
image::https://i.imgur.com/HuStDiw.png[Custom Labels]
Default Look: https://i.imgur.com/1pK873k.png
Minimal Look: https://i.imgur.com/Ki0SCD5.png
Example usage: https://dmbuce.github.io/i3b/i3blocks-monit.1.html#_examples
=== https://dmbuce.github.io/i3b/rofile.1.html[rofile]
Use environment variables to configure default options to pass to rofi.
Example usage: https://dmbuce.github.io/i3b/rofile.1.html#_examples
== Documentation
Project documentation can be found in these files:
- LICENSE - Terms and conditions
- README - This document
The changelog can be viewed on GitHub at https://github.com/DMBuce/i3b/commits/master .
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