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Default for tiglWingSetGetPointBehavior()
- In TiGL V3.0.0, it was introduced that the tiglWingGetUpper/LowerPoint methods can either work on xi-eta-coordinates on the linear loft, or on u-v coordinates on the real wing shape (in case of having non-linearly straked wing shapes using guide curves). In the changelog of V3.0.0 it is stated, that xi-eta is the default behavior (for backwards compatibility) and can be changed by using the new "tiglWingSetGetPointBehavior()" method
- However, in the documentation of tiglWingGetUpperPoint () it is stated, that the u-v-coordinate mode is the default (and that really seems to be the case).
- From my point of view, it would be better to really stick to how it was before this new option was introduced as a default (and like it was stated in the changelog), becaus this is, how everyone expects the methods to work for a long tiome now. Furthermore, using xi-eta is the natural way when you want to compute the absolute location of xi-eta points stated in CPACS (e.g. control surface borders).
- Maybe it would be best to get away from this "behavior" concept at all, which is creating different behaviors of the same method, and instead introduce two separate methods for each of the old methods, like "tiglWingGetUpperPointXiEta ()" and "tiglWingGetUpperPointUV ()".
- I guess, this issue applies for "tiglWingGetSegmentEtaXsi ()" and the fuselage methods, as well.