Sverre Moe

Results 21 issues of Sverre Moe

The Gradle Application Plugin `run` task doesn't work when running with Java 17. Works fine on Java 11, but when updated to run Java 17 and JavaFX 17, I get...


Currently there is not possible to choose seconds in the JFXTimePicker, only Hour and Minute.

Type: Feature

There are jfxtra releases for JavaFX 11 (11-r2) JavaFX 14 (14-r2) JavaFX 15 (15-r2) Are there any plans to build a release for JavaFX 17 LTS soon? Also there is...

There should be a section how to use the jpackager to create runtime images and native installers. 1) Download the latest JavaFX 11 backported jpackager 2) Create...

Installing the element OpenSUSE repositories adds two repositories: stable and testing. There is no Element package under stable, only testing. releasever=15.3 ``` [element-stable] name=Element for OpenSUSE Leap $releasever - $basearch...

The Coverage API does not show the Cyclomatic Complexity from JaCoCo. The JaCoCo plugin did show this from the coverage report in Jenkins. > JaCoCo also calculates cyclomatic complexity for...


The README should be updated with more information. Problems I encounted when trying this plugin out with my JavaFX application. 1. Execution failed for task ':nativeRunAgent'. > GraalVM installation directory...

Upgrade gradle wrapper to 4.11 Add Add gradle module support

Support using a custom toolchain when running the MavenExec task ``` task('createWebstart', type: MavenExec) { javaLauncher = javaToolchains.launcherFor { languageVersion = JavaLanguageVersion.of(8) } goals 'clean', 'install' } ``` As documentet...

Buttons like the ones in Preference does not look like real buttons. They look like text. ![eclipse-screenshot16]( Edit: Perhaps this has something to do with the gtk2 theme used and...