Webex-Message-space-archiver copied to clipboard
HTML/TXT missing messages present in JSON
I have a recent archive that is missing messages in the HTML. I can see them in the JSON download, however.
This particular conversation is often complex and has two or three different threads going at a time. The missing messages are definitely in that category. Other chronologically-connected but in different threads messages are output in the HTML. Interestingly, the thread I know is missing messages has some early messages, and then misses some, and then does get the last message in the thread. My hunch would be that this is related to multiple active threads in some way.
The text of the missing images is in the JSON file. The images were not downloaded.
I did try with a significantly longer window of time, and it did not help.
I don't feel comfortable attaching the full set of files here. What minimal redacted information would be useful? The JSON file with the text strings replaced?
Check: When you see that messages (in JSON) are not placed in the HTML, create an archive that holds a limited timeframe containing these messages.
Best to share is this entire JSON if you can anonimize that somehow so I can re-run the archive locally using that JSON. (and of course note which messages do not appear in the HTML)
At the end you can share whatever you feel comfortable with. Don't share them here. Send a message on Webex (Message) to me: [email protected] It's easy (and safe) to continue the conversation on the Webex platform.
@ojchase A major update with many fixes, including the fix for this problem has just been posted here Can you let me know if it is fixed?
@DJF3 I'm seeing the same issue, however, it appears to only be messages in the current day that are excluded. Tested this with maxtotalmessages = 365d and = 5000. When I download the archive for a space created today, I see all of the messages in the JSON but no HTML file is generated. This is for a space created today. Seems as if its stopping at messages from before todays midnight GMT based on several different tests I've done.
@DJF3 I'm seeing the same issue, however, it appears to only be messages in the current day that are excluded. Tested this with maxtotalmessages = 365d and = 5000. When I download the archive for a space created today, I see all of the messages in the JSON but no HTML file is generated. This is for a space created today. Seems as if its stopping at messages from before todays midnight GMT based on several different tests I've done.
@yirgacheffeBrewed Can you send a message to me on Webex? (my account: see msg from 11 jan). I will then share an updated version that should fix your problem.