Alexander P.
Alexander P.
@ansgarm and @xiehan it seems, that I have found the cause for this behavior! It seems to be some kind of "race-condition" issue here. If there is **only one test**,...
`--maxWorkers=1` seems to help, but this affects the performance of all tests. Whyever `--maxConcurrency=1` won't help, even when the tests, which executes `toBeValidTerraform()`, are "marked" with `it.concurrent`.
This seems to be a pretty nice approach! In v1 I used `operator.satelliteSet.kernelModuleInjectionMode=None` in helm, which seems to have the same effect, but is deprecated (But why?).
> Because you almost always want to use `DepsOnly`. [...] As @frezbo stated, module loading is disabled in Talos. So we have the "almost" case here 😉 I will update...
`replaceTriggeredBy` should behave the same way like `dependsOn`: vs. So would changing from `return x.fqdn;` to `return dependable(x);` fix the issue? As a workaround, I'm doing it like...