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add(route) 微博新鲜事
该 PR 相关 Issue / Involved issue
Close #7400
完整路由地址 / Example for the proposed route(s)
新RSS检查列表 / New RSS Script Checklist
- [x] 这个PR中包含了新的路由吗? Does this PR add new route?
- 如果有, 请完成检查列表. If yes, please finish the check list
- 如果你的PR符合下方某个事项, 也请注明. If any of the checklist item meets your PR, please fill it out.
- [x] <- 这样打勾
- [x] 是否提供了文档? Documentation provided?
- [ ] 是否提供了英文文档? EN Documentation provided?
- [ ] 是否支持全文获取? Is this RSS Script support fulltext?
- [ ] 如果全文获取中需要访问文章链接, 是否使用了缓存? If fulltext requires to fetch detail pages, is cache used in the process?
- 缓存说明 | How to use cache
- [ ] 目标是否有明显的反爬/频率限制? Is there any sign of anti-bot or rate limit?
- [ ] 如果有, 是否有对应的措施? (延长缓存时间, 写文档说明, etc.) If yes, do your code reflect this sign? (e.g. write documentations, use long cache time)
- [x] 目标是否有提供日期? Is there a date in the source?
- [x] 如果有,包是否正确解析? If there is, can this script provide this info?
- [ ] 如果有提供解析能力,时区是否正确调整? Is the timezone correctly provided?
- 如果有提供日期,但是没有提供解析,请说明原因 If there is a date but this script does not parse, please provide your reason.
- [ ] 是否引入的新的包? Any new package introduced?
- 如果有, 请说明原因. If yes, please state your reason
- [ ] 是否使用了
? Make use ofPuppeteer
?- 如果有, 请说明原因. If yes, please state your reason
说明 / Note
根据原 issue #7400 判断该功能叫做“微博新鲜事”,因此文档等均叫做这个。对应页面如 走心句子收纳 内,微博官方未提供这个叫做什么,而且我个人微博使用不多。
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你路由写错了?pr 描述里怎么是 new
你路由写错了?pr 描述里怎么是 new
已更改。之前用的 news,后来考虑到因为模块命名为 news 容易引发歧义,就改成了 tag 代码路由为 tag
Successfully generated as following: - **Failed**
HttpError: <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Error in RSSHub!</title><style>body{font-family:-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,Segoe UI,Roboto,Oxygen,Ubuntu,Cantarell,Fira Sans,Droid Sans,Helvetica Neue,sans-serif;-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;-moz-osx-font-smoothing:grayscale;font-size:16px;color:#2c3e50}.content{width:800px;margin:100px auto 0;text-align:center}.message{white-space:pre-wrap;text-align:left}a{color:#f5712c}</style></head><body><div class="content"><p><img src="" alt="RSSHub" width="120"></p><h1>Looks like something went wrong</h1><pre class="message">Route requested: /weibo/news/7574046780235777_1</pre><pre class="message">Error message: wrong path</pre><div style="margin:50px 0"><p>在线文档与支持,请访问<a href="" target="_blank"></a>。</p><p>For online documentation and support please refer to <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p></div></div></body></html>
pr 时间过长,将先被关闭,如果还有疑问可以随时在下面继续讨论