DIPS.Xamarin.UI icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
DIPS.Xamarin.UI copied to clipboard

A shared UI library that DIPS uses and maintains for their mobile applications.


Nuget GitHub last commit



Getting started




A shared UI library that DIPS use and maintain for their mobile applications. The library contains different components that can be used by any Xamarin.Forms app. The visual parts of the library is created in collaboration with our internal UX team.

The library differentiate its components in three types:

UI Components

UI components include different visual components that are well known to people using our apps. This can be a sheet, popup, radio buttons with more. The UI components focuses heavily on the MVVM design pattern. This means that you can find useful properties that are bindable and is easy to use with commands. Each UI component should have a well documented WIKI and a samples page that you can look at.


Resources can be used in pages and UI components. This can be colors, icons and converters with more.


API includes utilities that is useful when working with the MVVM pattern and XAML. This can be a property changed api, commands, recursively searching the visual tree with more.

Supported platforms

  • [x] Android
  • [x] iOS

This package do not support UWP or WPF because DIPS has a internal Windows desktop library with other components that are more suiting for desktop applications.


The library gets constantly updated and new features gets added once we identify the need of having components shared between our apps. New features are added as a issue and are marked as a [Spec].

We follow semantic versioning for our nuget package.


The library will be maintained by DIPS AS, but the public is always welcome to contribute. Please see our developer guidelines to get familiar with how to contribute.
