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After model & media type selection only downloads metadata from models I'm not subscribed to anymore, not selected model [OnlyFans]
I've gotten the Scraper to work and login to OnlyFans, but when I select a model and media type, it doesn't download anything from the selected model, only random metadata from models I used to follow.
Here's what I'm shown in both CMD and PowerShell when I try it:
poetry run python
Choose Sites: 0 = All | 1 = OnlyFans | 2 = Fansly
Choose Profiles: 0 = All | 1 = default
Choose Subscriptions: 0 = All | 1 = ModelIWantToDownload
Choose Medias: 0 = All | 1 = Images | 2 = Videos | 3 = Audios | 4 = Texts
Processing Scraped Messages
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 492.93it/s]
Processing metadata.
ModelIUsedtobeSubscribedToAndDontWantToDownload: Renaming files.
100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Choose Medias: 0 = All | 1 = Images | 2 = Videos | 3 = Audios | 4 = Texts
When I check [UltimaScraperFolder]_user_data_\sites\OnlyFans after that, I only find folders named after models I used to follow that only contain metadata.
Am I doing something wrong? Is this a bug? How can I fix this?
same for me
I was having this problem and let it sit for a while. It eventually downloaded the metadata for every model I wasn't subscribed to and THEN started downloading the model/media I selected.
A temp solution is, if the model in question has a lot of content that would affect script runtime, block the model on the site.
Was there any update to this or is it actually another issue? There must be some config to change in the config file but does anyone know the specific ones to ensure only the model you pick has anything for them downloaded?