https://pkg.go.dev/strconv#ParseFloat NaN / Inf / Infinity 是 Golang 的一些特殊值,在解析为 float64 的时候他们不会发生异常 ``` v, _ := strconv.ParseFloat("NaN", 64) fmt.Printf("type = %T, raw = %v , int64 = %v\n",v, v,int32(v)) v,_ =...
> Can I work on this issue? After another PR process is completed, you can go to work
dial tcp connectex: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted 说明你本地的服务连接被打满导致的不可用,可尝试使用 `netstat -ano` 查看使用中的端口,并合理设置连接池相关参数,详细可参考 [ORM使用配置](https://goframe.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=1114245)
The `CORSAllowedOrigin` method just checks if the `Origin` is valid, and if so, sets the parameter to the header's `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` parameter. There are three syntaxes for `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` > Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *...
@gingerwizard I have some questions about the compatible type scheme. Regarding the time type, how many do I need to be compatible with? Are they all (https://github.com/araddon/dateparse#extended-example), or just the...
@gingerwizard so only support ```2022-08-14 17:23:12.679127 +0800``` ? if yes i can finish it soon
@gingerwizard The code development in my task is basically completed, and now only test cases have not been added, and there are still some small problems to be dealt with...
@gingerwizard I have something to do these days, I will try my best to finish the revision before the weekend.
@gingerwizard But if it is changed to distinguish by length, I may not modify the general logic of this piece. Because when writing the date/date32 type, if it is a...