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PHP 5.4 compiler for .NET/Mono frameworks. Predecessor to the opensource PeachPie project (
array_key_exists does not behaves as it should, from php documentation: For backward compatibility reasons, array_key_exists() will also return TRUE if key is a property defined within an object given as...
This might actually be a bug with PHP, but Phalanger acts differently from PHP that can cause problems. When an optional matching group doesn't match in a preg_match_all() call with...
I was trying to pass in an array of key value pairs with curl_setopt with CurlOption = CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS. One of my array values was an empty string. I debugged the...
The Linux installation script from the wiki fails horribly. I have created an updated one here: consider it WTFPL, I don't really care. Please Update the wiki, I'd have...
When I tried to use NUnit I encountered the following error: ``` ❯ ~/src/Phalanger/Deployment/Release/phpc.exe /pure+ /target:dll /lang:clr /out:obj/Debug/tests/XDebug.Protocol.test.dll test/Unit/Xdebug.Protocol.test.php $(pkg-config --libs nunit| sed s%-r:%/r:%g) Phalanger - the PHP Language Compiler...
Any plans to make phalanger compatible with latest wordpress version? it seems don't support latest wordpress (maybe some functionalities are missing?)
How to find current page URL $pageURL = $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].":".$_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"].$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; getting error "Notice: Undefined offset" System\Web\HttpContext::$Current->Request->Url->AbsoluteUri; getting error "Notice: An empty variable used as an object"
I want to consume simple php library in c# application, for that I have simple php class like below, ``` class SampleObj { public $Message = "Hello world!"; function Write($arg)...
upload error with code 500
Hi, maybe it's my system, but when I try to execute a ftp connection command (@ftp_connect), PhpNetCore raises an exception ('PHP.Core.PhpException' in PhpNetCore.dll). Surrounding the code with a try catch...