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Black-box extraction of Finite-State Machines from RNNs.

Black-Box Extraction of RNN's Input-Output Behaviour via Automata Learning


High Level Method This repo contains source code that showcases how one can use automata learning to extract finite-state models capturing the RNN's input-output behaviour.

Futhermore, in the repo we show how coverage-guided equivalence oracles can find counterexamples that other white-box and black-box approaches were unable to find. Each counterexample not found by other approaches falsifies their extracted model.

Short example

from aalpy.learning_algs import run_Lstar
from aalpy.oracles import StatePrefixEqOracle
from aalpy.utils import save_automaton_to_file, visualize_automaton

from DataProcessing import parse_data, preprocess_binary_classification_data
from RNN_SULs import RnnBinarySUL
from RNNClassifier import RNNClassifier

from TrainAndExtract import train_RNN_on_tomita_grammar, train_and_extract_bp, train_RNN_and_extract_FSM

# Train the RNN on the data set generated from Tomita 3 Grammar
tomita_alphabet = ["0", "1"]
# load training data from file
x, y = parse_data("TrainingDataAndAutomata/tomita_3.txt")
# split test and validation data
x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = preprocess_binary_classification_data(x, y, tomita_alphabet)

# Change parameters of the RNN if you want
rnn = RNNClassifier(tomita_alphabet, output_dim=2, num_layers=2, hidden_dim=50, batch_size=18,
                    x_train=x_train, y_train=y_train, x_test=x_test, y_test=y_test, nn_type="LSTM")

# Train the RNN
rnn.train(stop_acc=1.0, stop_loss=0.0005)

# Wrap RNN in the SUL class. 
sul = RnnBinarySUL(rnn)
alphabet = tomita_alphabet

# Define the eq. oracle
state_eq_oracle = StatePrefixEqOracle(alphabet, sul, walks_per_state=200, walk_len=6)

# Extract the model from RNN
# Max. number of rounds is limited to be able to visualize small/correct automata.
# If it is not set adversarial inputs will be found :D 
dfa = run_Lstar(alphabet=alphabet, sul=sul, eq_oracle=state_eq_oracle, automaton_type='dfa',
                cache_and_non_det_check=True, max_learning_rounds=3)

save_automaton_to_file(dfa, f'RNN_Models/tomita{3}')


Comparison with Refinement-Based and Bounded (PAC-Oracle) L* learning

In the file Comparison_with_White_Box_and_PAC.py you will find methods comparing our approach with other white box and black box approaches.

# Compare our approach on with refined-based and bounded L*
run_comparison('tomita_2', train=False, rnn_class='gru', verbose=True)

# Show how coverage-based testing can be used to falsify model returned from refinement-based extraction
# approach.

# Show how extensive coverage-based testing can be used to falsify model returned from bounded L* black-box
# extraction approach.

# exit()
# This example shows how transition focus equivalence oracle can be used to efficiently find counterexamples.

Running the code returns following output:

---------------------------------COMPARISON OF EXTRACTIONS----------------------------------------
Example       : tomita_2
Configuration : GRU_layers_2_dim_50
Number of states
  White-box extraction       : 3
  PAC-Based Oracle           : 8
  Coverage-guided extraction : 26 (terminated after 10 rounds)
Coverage-guided extraction found counterexamples not found by other approaches.
All examples were classified correctly by the Black-Box model and misclassified by the other approaches.

---------------------------------FALSIFICATION OF EXTRACTED MODEL---------------------------------
Counterexamples (and time needed to tind them) to the model extracted with the refinement-based or Bounded-L* approach.
0.1 (((()())((i)))l)
0.14 ((()))y
0.03 h(()((())(()))hsx)z)
0.03 (()()())
0.1 ())()
0.03 a(())()()
0.0 ((j((()g))))(j()
0.04 x(())()(h(bn())g)
0.12 ()()()

Interactive notebooks/running examples

In the notebooks folder, you can find many examples and associated outputs. Examples are:

  • Train an RNN on the Tomita grammar and Extract DFA
  • Train an RNN on the coffee machine FMS and Extract Mealy/Moore machine
  • Learn abstract model from the RNN trained on the concrete traces from MQTT protocol
  • Falsify models returned by refinement-based white-box approach
  • Conformance check 2 RNNs trained on the same data
  • Training set extension based on conformance checking of extracted automata

Structure of the repo:

  • LearnedAutomata/ - automata representing the behavior of RNN's inferred via automata learning
  • TrainingDataAndAutomata/ - data and automata used for RNN training and verification
  • RNN_Models/ - weights of the pre-trained RNNs
  • Refinement-based_extraction/ - source code from very interesting paperu on automata extraction from RNNs
  • Notebooks - interactive examples

  • DataProcessing.py - a collection of helper functions used to prepare data for learning
  • RNNClassifier.py - lass used for training RNNs, either LSTM or GRU

  • RNN_SULs - system under learning. Implements AALpy's SUL class
  • TrainAndExtract.py - helper function in which one can see how to train RNNs and extract their behavior via automata learning
  • PAC_Oracle - PAC Oracle used for comparison with other black-box approach

  • Comparison_with_White_Box_and_PAC.py - comparison of our approach to Weiss et al.
  • Applications.py - a proof-of-concept for learning RNNs abstract behavior with mapper component, and learning-based testing of multiple trained RNNs and their applications


To run extraction, only dependencies are AALpy and Dynet. However, to run a comparison with the refinement-based approach proposed by Weiss et al., further dependencies are required.

To install, clone this repo (suggestion: create a python virtual environment) and call pip install -r requirements.txt

Run and Reproduce

TrainAndExtract.py, Comparison_with_White_Box_and_PAC.py, and Applications.py all have main function defined at the bottom of the file. quick_start.py has the simple minimal example that shows how to train RNNS and extract multiple models. Notebooks folder contains the text output/interactive examples for some examples. Furthermore, interactive notebooks can be found in the notebooks folder.

To reproduce experiments, simply run the Comparison_with_White_Box_and_PAC.py.