Hi Jon, We're getting another error, and I'm guessing this is yet another version issue but I wanted to check and see in case it was not. [Jan 12 09:54...
**So I don't have an iprscan.xml file in my annotate_misc folder, I think because I ran it separately:** funannotate annotate -i /panfs/roc/groups/14/mcgaughs/drabe004/Funnannote_Full/MBRI_FINAL --force --busco_db actinopterygii --iprscan /panfs/roc/groups/14/mcgaughs/drabe004/Interprotscan/MBRIoutput.iprscan --cpus 8 **ipscan...
Ok great! Thank you!
Hi! You have to ask msi to add you to the signalP group in order to use the signalP module within this pipeline. On Wed, Aug 10, 2022 at 2:50...