LxRunOffline icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
LxRunOffline copied to clipboard

A full-featured utility for managing Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

Results 25 LxRunOffline issues
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LxRunOffline v3.5.0 LxRunOffline.exe export -n "Ubuntu" -f d:\wsl\snapshot\ubuntu\v0.0.0.tar.gz [ERROR] The action/argument "export" doesn't support WSL2.

Hi, I'm trying to get the following working: 1. install ubuntu-22.04 from the store in wsl (1 not 2) (ie from https://apps.microsoft.com/store/detail/ubuntu-2204-lts/9PN20MSR04DW) 2. duplicate the installation to another folder 3....

[ERROR] Couldn't set the case sensitive attribute of the directory "\\?\C:\Users\Lenovo\AppData\Local\Packages\KaliLinux.54290C8133FEE_ey8k8hqnwqnmg\LocalState\". Reason: Indicates that the directory trying to be deleted is not empty. Why does this happen? Sys Env: win...

PS > ./LxRunOffline move -n kali-linux -d D:\kali [ERROR] Couldn't set the case sensitive attribute of the directory "\\?\C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Packages\KaliLinux.54290C8133FEE_ey8k8hqnwqnmg\LocalState\". Reason: Indicates that the directory trying to be deleted is not...

When I run LxRunOffline, it shows a error message abour registry key like this: ``` [ERROR] Couldn't get the value "DistributionName" of the registry key "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Lxss\AppxInstallerCache". Reason: 系统找不到指定的文件。 ``` P.S....

System info : Microsoft Windows 11 Build 22489 LxRunOffline v3.5.0 Command that I ran: `.\LxRunOffline.exe install -n Centos7 -d "D:\WSL\Centos7" -f "C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\CentOS-7-20140625-x86_64-docker_01.img.tar.xz"` ERRORLOG: `PS D:\WSL\LxRunOffline-v3.5.0-msvc> .\LxRunOffline.exe install -n Centos7 -d...

When I run .\LxRunOffline, it shows a error message abour registry key like this: [ERROR] Couldn't get the value "DistributionName" of the registry key "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Lxss\TryStoreWSL". Reason: 系统找不到指定的文件。

While attempting to move a distribution to another drive, the following error occurred: ``` PS C:\Users\tim> .\Downloads\LxRunOffline-v3.5.0-33-gbdc6d7d-msvc\LxRunOffline-v3.5.0-33-gbdc6d7d-msvc\LxRunOffline.exe m -n Ubuntu-20.04 -d E:\wsl2\ [ERROR] Couldn't create the file "\\?\E:\wsl2\temp\". Reason: The...

Example output: ``` D:\>LxRunOffline.exe rg -n main -d d:\main [ERROR] Couldn't get the value "DistributionName" of the registry key "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Lxss\TryStoreWSL". Reason: The system cannot find the file specified. ```

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/28779327/144980725-21401b07-6c8a-40ae-99ca-91333c2cf5a8.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/28779327/144980766-78e2d86b-829e-4e29-a913-34f8833e5c1f.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/28779327/144980789-34534727-c07b-47b2-85cb-8c1dbcea7634.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/28779327/144980906-456e937c-9ffe-4859-a262-ce7c153f5546.png)