netflix-personal-statistics icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
netflix-personal-statistics copied to clipboard

Netflix Personal Statistics

This C# program uses the Netflix background API from the Viewingactivity site to get more information.


Next to the executable must be a folder with one or more .txt files. These files have to contain the Netflix cookie for the specific user.

An easy way to get the cookie is with Chrome. Just open these URL ( with the open Developer Tools (F12 or Ctr+Shift+I) and look under Network->viewingactivity->Headers->Request Headers->Cookie:.

Copy the cookie from begin to end in an empty text file and place it in the cookie folder next to the Executable. Start the program and after it closed automatically, you should have a new folder with 3 .csv files.

How to get the cookie


The csv files can easily be viewed with Excel.

The CSV-Files

File Description
Netflix.csv Contains all information the API will give us. With some Excel Filters, this can easily give more information
NetflixStats.csv A shourt summary with the Total Play time and the top 10 personal watched series
NetflixTimes.csv Summary for each Day with number of things watched and summed up time. You can easily use the Date and one of the other columns to make some graphs

Total Stats Time


The NetflixStats.csv has only a small collection of stats and can easily be extended. Feel free to change the code.