DawDreamer copied to clipboard
Only mono for vst3
C:\Program Files\Vstplugins\Flux\LevelMagic.vst\Contents\x64\LevelMagic.dll
C:\Program Files\Vstplugins\Flux\SpatV3.vst\Contents\x64\SpatV3.dll
play = e.make_playback_processor("play", np.zeros((2, 1)))
show 2 channels
show 2 channels
vst_plugin = e.make_plugin_processor(vst_name, vst_path)
print(f"{vst_name} i:{vst_plugin.get_num_input_channels()} o:{vst_plugin.get_num_output_channels()}")
show 1 output 1 input channels
trying to set 2 input 2 output or 2,1 or 1,2
print(vst_plugin.can_set_bus(2,2)) # false
print(vst_plugin.can_set_bus(2,1)) # false
print(vst_plugin.can_set_bus(1,2)) # false
print(vst_plugin.can_set_bus(1,1)) # true
Incompatible VSTs?
Seems like the rare case of a mono VST. You could try making sure audio
is shaped (1, T) where T is the number of samples before passing it to play.set_data(audio)
. Let me know if that works.
You can also use Faust to mix N channels to mono.
faust = e.make_faust_processor("faust")
N = 2
faust.set_dsp_string(f"process = si.bus({N}) :> _;")
Seems like the rare case of a mono VST. You could try making sure
is shaped (1, T) You can also use Faust to mix N channels to mono.
No no, I need stereo. On input I have stereo, playbackprocessor have stereo output, but when im load these VSTs they have only 1 channel, and I cant set_bus to (2,2) to get stereo.
I got some VST chain host "VSTForx" it allow to load multiple VST. And it shows that 2 problematic VSTs above have multiple inputs and multiple outputs, but even with VSTForx they dont work in stereo.
If I use them in other daws (Ableton, FL Studio) - they work okay in stereo. But in dawdreamer only mono(((
This one is different than the last example.
Expand mono to N channels:
faust = e.make_faust_processor("faust")
N = 2
faust.set_dsp_string(f"process = _ <: si.bus({N});")
graph = [
(play, []),
(vst_plugin, [play.get_name()]),
(faust, [vst_plugin.get_name()])
The output will then be VST_plugin's mono output duplicated into 2 channels. Is that what you'd want?
Or maybe the output of VST plugin is supposed to be multiplied by both channels of play? Then try
faust = e.make_faust_processor("faust")
N = 2
faust.set_dsp_string(f"process(x, y, z) = x*z, y*z;")
graph = [
(play, []),
(vst_plugin, [play.get_name()]),
(faust, [play, vst_plugin.get_name()])