Just to sum up our discussion, the pixel-perfect extension might already make this easy to do: * https://github.com/GDevelopApp/GDevelop-extensions/pull/389 We'll come back to the review if it's actually not the case.
> > * MaxShieldPoints, "Shield will start with this many points when activated" should there be another property for the initial shield value? (like there is a Health and MaxHealth...
- I wonder if there is too much function groups. - I usually do a group for actions that change a property value because users define them with the properties...
- Why did you choose to keep these? - "Regenerate shield when it has zero points" - "Shield blocks excess damage when it breaks" - There is a typo in...
It's just an idea: instead of expressions to get the result of the last extension, users could use an expression to evaluate a hit before applying it. It could be...
Hello, thank you for submitting this. Did you take a look at the "Time formatter" extension? Does your extension have different features? https://wiki.gdevelop.io/gdevelop5/extensions/time-formatter/reference
Thank you for sharing an extension. I think that people will expect a car movement extension to be more realistic. For instance, when a car turns it change the acceleration...
> Looks like you attached the files for the pinch example instead of the button example. Sorry, I fixed the link.
> The only issue I found is that if you click and hold on the button, it changes hover state and pressed state, and then if you drag outside the...
A speed property is not intuitive. Using a tween expression instead of a lerp will allow to give a duration property instead. Take a look at these ease functions: https://easings.net