Dave Monk
Dave Monk
@tniessen thanks for the feedback, especially your comments that OpenSSL 1.1.1 **can** be used - and that's exactly the version that I'm looking for. My question is: how do you...
Finally managed to carve out some time to test this. I'm moving forward cautiously as I don't want to mess anything up, but I guess I managed to fall at...
@richardlau thank you for the pointer (and so quickly) ... I'm `make`ing at the moment...
So I've tried this with three branches of node (latest, v14.x and v12.x) and I'm failing on what appears to be the https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/35213 issue. @mscdex states that the version of...
As a follow up to this, I was posed a question this evening and it sparked a separate thought. If I have a system that has a FIPS compliant OpenSSL...
@krayon007 Thanks for responding so quickly. I think (2) would make more sense, at least to me, considering that's what I had to do with node itself. Additionally, Bryan, if...
@krayon007 / Brian, The agents required will be just Linux x64.To cover myself, I should also consider compiling the router too, which will be for Linux x64 and Windows x64....
Just wondered @krayon007 if there was any documentation I could follow to give these builds a go? Just checking in...
Ok (rubbing hands like a small child at Christmas) ... I'll let you know how I get on! Thanks Bryan
(and just like Christmas, I had to wait...) Just getting to this tonight!