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Offensive tool to obfuscate powershell payloads
Offensive tool to obfuscate powershell payloads
This tools is able to obfuscate and modify powershell code using some known techniques and creativity, however it may have some error so feel free to open an issue or a pull request. Most of the well known used Powershell payloads are detected by most of the AVs just by looking at the code. This tool makes all neccessary changes on the script to make it work as expected but without being detected by AVs. I would explain in deepth all the modifications and how obfuscation works but you can take a look at it here, it's a great explanation from gh0x0st, the creator of Invoke-PSObfuscation so all credits to him
Have in mind that this tool isn't finished yet! That's why some powershell scripts may not work after being obfuscated
- All-in-one portable script
- Undetectable against AVs
- Pre-loaded Nishang and PowerSploit payloads
- Replace functions and variables with random names
- Random combinations between uppercase and lowercase characters
- Integers obfuscation
- Add backticks
- Edit and remove comments
- Obfuscate strings with multiple techniques
- Obfuscate integers
Some payloads are pre-loaded and you don't have to download them from Github, you can simply generate a FUD payload on the fly:
Payloads Categories Descriptions
-------- ---------- ------------
Invoke-PowerShellTcp Shells Send a reverse shell via TCP to a port of an ip
Invoke-PowerShellTcpOneLine Shells Send a reverse shell via TCP to a port of an ip (simplified)
Invoke-PowerShellUdp Shells Send a reverse shell via UDP to a port of an ip
Get-System Privesc Try to impersonate NT AUTHORITY/SYSTEM account
Get-Information Gather Get some basic information about the system
Get-WLAN-Keys Gather Display Wifi information and its stored credentials
Get-PassHashes Gather Dump system credentials from registry hives
Get-LSASecret Gather Extract LSA secrets from local computer
Copy-VSS Gather Copy SAM and SYSTEM to a directory
Check-VM Gather Check if system is a Virtual Machine (VM)
Invoke-CredentialsPhish Gather Create a fake dialog box to ask for credentials
Invoke-PortScan Scan Scan open ports of the given ip
Invoke-PsUACme Escalation Execute command(s) bypassing UAC with high privileges
Remove-Update Escalation Remove previous updates from system stealthily
Add-Persistence Utility Execute a payload on every computer reboot persistently
Download Utility Download given file to user temp directory
Parse_Keys Utility Parse keys logged by Nishang keylogger
Invoke-AmsiBypass Bypassing Bypass AMSI with a dynamic one-liner command
Clone the repo, move into it and then execute the main.rb
git clone
cd Vulkan
gem install colorize httparty optparse
ruby main.rb
Help panel
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by D3Ext v0.1
Usage: main.rb [options]
Example: main.rb -f script.ps1 -o obfuscated.ps1
-f, --file FILE file to obfuscate
-o, --output DEST path to write obfuscated script into
-i, --iterations NUMBER times to obfuscate the script (default: 1)
-e, --extreme use best obfuscation techniques
-p, --payload PAYLOAD choose payload to obfuscate
-l, --list show available pre-loaded payloads
-v, --verbose run verbosely
Custom powershell script
ruby main.rb -f script.ps1 -o output.ps1
Extreme obfuscation
ruby main.rb -p Invoke-PowerShellTcp -o output.ps1 --extreme
Custom amount of iterations
ruby main.rb -f script.ps1 -o output.ps1 -i 3
Generate powershell Nishang TCP reverse shell
One-liner obfuscated reverse shell example
Shell established after executing above code
- Custom payloads
- More obfuscation avoiding errors
This tool may have errors so if you help with that it would be a great support, new features and changes are also welcome. I'm just one guy with this project so I'll try to reply you as quickly as possible
Use this project under your own responsability! The author is not responsible of any bad usage of the project.
This project is licensed under MIT license
Copyright © 2023, D3Ext