UUID shellcode Loader with dynamic indirect syscall implementation, syscall number/instruction get resolved dynamicaly at runtime, and the syscall number/instruction get unhooked using Halosgate techn...
Maquerade any legitimate Windows binary by changing some fields in the PEB structure
MAC, IPv4, UUID shellcode Loaders and Obfuscators to obfuscate the shellcode and using some native API to converts it to it binary format and loads it.
this repo contains 6 AMSI patches , both force the triggering of a conditional jump inside AmsiOpenSession() that close the Amsi scanning session. The 1st patch by corrupting the Amsi context header...
a C2 feature , ScreenShot capture , the file output is a png on the current directory named "screen.png"
dynamically resolving System Service Number (syscall number) by offsets from the PEB with API hashing
give me sedebugprivilege I will become a SYSTEM by spoofing a parent process runned as AUTHORITY NT\system
Write and Hide each UUID in the char* array of UUIDS shellcode in a registry key value location as REG_SZ (the location could be different from the other), then retrieve them and assemble them in UUID...
Abusing VirusTotal API to host our C2 traffic, usefull for bypassing blocking firewall rules if VirusTotal is in the target white list , and in case you don't have C2 infrastructure , now you have a f...