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OpenSource self-service infrastructure solution that defines and manages the complete lifecycle of resources used and provisioned into a cloud! It is a terraform UI with rest api for terraform and Ope...

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Stack Lifecycle Deployment

OpenSource solution that defines and manages the complete lifecycle of resources used and provisioned into a cloud!
Explore the docs Β»

Table of Contents
  1. About SLD
  2. Getting Started
    • Prerequisites
    • Installation
  3. Usage
  4. Custom settings
  • Storage backend
  • Data remote state
  • Workers
  • Users roles
  • Architecture
  • Roadmap
  • Contributing
  • License
  • Contact
  • Acknowledgements
  • Built With
  • About SLD

    SLD helps to accelerate deployment, weighting and making IaaC reusable, generating dynamic forms and maintaining different variables in each environment with the same code. With SLD you can schedule infrastructure deployments like its destruction, manage users by roles and separate stacks by squad and environment

    Product Name Screen Shot

    Product Name Screen Shot

    Main features:

    • Fast API async
    • Dashboard / UI
    • Distributed tasks routing by squad
    • Infrastructure as code (IaC) based in terraform code
    • Dynamic html form from terraform variables
    • Re-deploy infrastructure keeping the above parameters
    • Distributed architecture based microservices
    • Task decouple and event driven pattern
    • Resilient, rollback deployment and retry if failure

    SLD is the easy way to use your terrafrom code!

    Getting Started


    You need docker and docker-compse or kind ( recomended ).


    1. Clone the SLD repo

      git clone
    2. Deploy SLD in k8s with kind

      cd Stack-Lifecycle-Deployment/play-with-sld/kubernetes 
      sh start


      Starting SLD for play
      Creating cluster "kind" ...
      βœ“ Ensuring node image (kindest/node:v1.20.2) πŸ–Ό
      βœ“ Preparing nodes πŸ“¦ πŸ“¦  
      βœ“ Writing configuration πŸ“œ 
      βœ“ Starting control-plane πŸ•ΉοΈ 
      βœ“ Installing CNI πŸ”Œ 
      βœ“ Installing StorageClass πŸ’Ύ 
      βœ“ Joining worker nodes 🚜 
      Set kubectl context to "kind-kind"
      You can now use your cluster with:
      kubectl cluster-info --context kind-kind
    3. Create init user

      sh init


      kind ok
      docker ok
      kubectl ok
      jq ok
      curl ok
      init SLD
      #  Now, you can play with SLD πŸ•ΉοΈ                #
      API: http://localhost:5000/docs
      DASHBOARD: http://localhost:5000/
      username: admin
      password: Password08@

      List endopints

      sh list


      kind ok
      docker ok
      kubectl ok
      List endpoints
      API: http://localhost:8000/docs
      DASHBOARD: http://localhost:5000/


    1. Sign-in to DASHBOARD:


      Click the dashboard link:


    2. Add Cloud account


      fill in the form with the required data. in our example we will use

      • Squad: squad1
      • Environment: develop

      by default workers are running as squad1 and squad2 for play purpose, but you can change it and scale when you want

      When you add an account to a provider ( aws, gcp, azure ) one squad is created, you must create a worker for the name of the created squad, if you don't do it the deployment will remain in a "PENDING" state Read Workers

      finally add:

      • Access_key_id
      • Secret_access_key
      • Default_region ( default eu-west-1) In case you use assume role, fill in the rest of the data.
    3. Add terraform module or stack


      • Name: Add the name with a valid prefix according to the cloud provider.

      Prefixs supported: aws_ , gcp_, azure_

      • git: Add a valid git repository, like github, gitlab, bitbucket, etc. in our case to play we use (

      You can pass user and password as https://username:[email protected]/aws_vpc For ssh you can pass it as a secret in the deployment to the user sld

      • Branch: Add the branch you want to deploy by default is master
      • Squad Access: Assign who you want to have access to this stack by squad

      '*' = gives access to all, you can allow access to one or many squads separated by commas: squad1,squad2

      • tf version: indicates the version of terraform required by the module or stack

      • Description: Describe the module or stack to help others during implementation.
    4. Deploy your first stack!!!

      List stacks for deploy


      Choose deploy


      SLD will generate a dynamic form based on the stack variables, fill in the form and press the Deploy button


      Important! assign the same squad and environment that we previously created when adding the account (See Add Cloud account)

      Now, the status of the task will change as the deployment progresses.


      You can control the implementation life cycle sign-in You can destroy, re-implement that SLD will keep the old values ​​or you can also edit those values ​​at will. sign-in And finally you can manage the life cycle programmatically, handle the destruction / creation of the infrastructure, a good practice for the savings plan!!! sign-in

    Custom settings

    Storage backend

    SLD uses its own remote backend, so you don't need to configure any backend in terraform. The following example shows a backend config

            terraform {
              backend "http" {
                address = "http://remote-state:8080/terraform_state/aws_vpc-squad1-develop-vpc_core"
                lock_address = "http://remote-state:8080/terraform_lock/aws_vpc-squad1-develop-vpc_core"
                lock_method = "PUT"
                unlock_address = "http://remote-state:8080/terraform_lock/aws_vpc-squad1-develop-vpc_core"
                unlock_method = "DELETE"

    At the moment SLD supports MongoDB, S3 and local backend (for testing purposes only) To configure MongoDB as a backend, you must pass the following variables as parameters to the remote-state service:

    # docker-compose.yaml
          SLD_STORE: mongodb                                                                                             
          SLD_MONGODB_URL: "mongodb:27017/"
          MONGODB_USER: admin
          MONGODB_PASSWD: admin
    # k8s yaml
        - name: SLD_STORE
          value: mongodb
        - name: SLD_MONGODB_URL
          value: "mongodb:27017/"
        - name: MONGODB_USER
          value: admin
        - name: MONGODB_PASSWD
          value: admin

    To configure S3 you can pass the access and secret keys of aws, in case SLD is running in AWS it is recommended to use roles

        - name: SLD_STORE
          value: "S3"
        - name: SLD_BUCKET
          value: "s3-sld-backend-cloud-tf-state"
        - name: AWS_ACCESS_KEY
          value: ""
        - name: AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
          value: ""

    Data remote state

    To be able to use the outputs of other stacks you can configure it as follows the key alwys is the same like "Task Name"

    stack-name squad account env deploy name
    aws_vpc squad1 develop vpc_core
    data "terraform_remote_state" "vpc_core" {
      backend = "http"
      config = {
        address = "http://remote-state:8080/terraform_state/aws_vpc-squad1-develop-vpc_core"

    Test example:

    echo "data.terraform_remote_state.vpc_core.outputs"|terraform console


    The workers in sld are responsible for executing the infrastructure deployment. You can use one or more workers for each account or several accounts at the same time. It all depends on the degree of parallelism and segregation that you consider

    # Example k8s worker for account squad1, change this for each of your accounts
    # Stack-Lifecycle-Deployment/play-with-sld/kubernetes/k8s/sld-worker-squad1.yml
    # Add replicas for increment paralelism
    # Add more squad accounts if you want to group accounts in the same worker:
    # command: ["celery", "--app", "tasks.celery_worker", "worker", "--loglevel=info", "-c", "1", "-E", "-Q", "squad1,"another_squad_account"]
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: stack-deploy-worker-squad1
        name: stack-deploy-worker-squad1
      replicas: 1 
          name: stack-deploy-worker-squad1
            name: stack-deploy-worker-squad1
          subdomain: primary
            - name: stack-deploy-worker-squad1
              image: d10s0vsky/sld-api:latest
              imagePullPolicy: Always
              - name: TF_WARN_OUTPUT_ERRORS
                value: "1"
                  memory: 600Mi
                  cpu: 1
                  memory: 300Mi
                  cpu: 500m
              command: ["celery", "--app", "tasks.celery_worker", "worker", "--loglevel=info", "-c", "1", "-E", "-Q", "squad1"]
      # Example docker-compose worker for account squad1, change this for each of your accounts
      # Stack-Lifecycle-Deployment/play-with-sld/docker/docker-compose.yml
        image: d10s0vsky/sld-api:latest
        entrypoint: ["celery", "--app", "tasks.celery_worker", "worker", "--loglevel=info", "-c", "1", "-E", "-Q", "squad1"]
          BROKER_USER: admin
          BROKER_PASSWD: admin
          - rabbit
          - redis
          - db
          - remote-state

    Users roles

    SLD has three preconfigured roles for users to easily manage this.

    roles scope description
    yoda global Global scope, can see all squads and are full admin
    darth_vader one or many squad Limit the scope of the squad, can see the assigned squads and you are a full manager of only those squads
    stormtrooper one or many squad Limits squad range, can see assigned squads and can only deploy assigned deployment on belong squad
    R2-D2 all, one or many squad This role is only for identification and must be associated with the previous ones, its use case is for bot users who access the api




    • Support storage backend gcp cloud storage and azure blob storage
    • LDAP and SSO authentication
    • Slack integration
    • FluenD / elasticSearch integration
    • InfluxDB integration
    • Prometheus
    • Estimate pricing by stack
    • Anomaly detection
    • Advance metrics and logs
    • Resource size recommendation based on metrics
    • Shift Left Security deployment
    • Multi tenancy
    • Topology graphs
    • Mutal TLS
    • Added workers automatically by squad
    • Onboarding resources
    • Add more cloud and on-prem providers


    Contributions are what makes the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

    1. Fork the Project
    2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
    3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
    4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
    5. Open a Pull Request


    Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


    [email protected]

    Stack Lifecycle Deployment


    Built With