discord-video icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
discord-video copied to clipboard

Simple bash and batch scripts that use ffmpeg to compress videos to fit under 25 MB (Discord free upload limit)

Results 3 discord-video issues
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I've changed the script to utilize two-pass encoding and changed the encoder from libvpx-vp9 to libx264. The two-pass encoding should make it so that the encoder can optimize parts of...

Started to compress a video sized at 16.9mb, ended with 53.7mb file. This was on the windows .bat file.

``` "C:\Users\dygdy\Downloads\2DiscordVideo\1.mp4" is a video file and is 68.415533 seconds long video should have a bitrate of 2941175 kbps Unrecognized option 'row-mt'. Error splitting the argument list: Option not found...