dgd_person_reid copied to clipboard
How can I run the code without Shinpuhkan dataset
I have not yet obtained the author's reply about the Shinpuhkan dataset. So I just deleted the code that handle the Shinpuhkan dataset. The modifications are as follows:
in format_rawdatat.sh ~~echo "Formatting Shinpuhkan ..."~~ ~~unzip -q -d $RAW/ $RAW/Shinpuhkan2014dataset.zip~~ ~~python2 data/format_shinpuhkan.py $RAW/Shinpuhkan2014dataset $EXP/datasets/shinpuhkan~~
in make_dbs.sh for d in cuhk03 cuhk01 prid viper 3dpes ilids ~~shinpuhkan~~; do echo "Making $d" python2 tools/make_lists_id_training.py $EXP/datasets/$d $EXP/db/$d make_db $EXP/datasets/$d $EXP/db/$d done
in merge_dbs.sh python2 tools/merge_lists_single_task.py
--dataset-dirs $DATASETS/3dpes $DATASETS/cuhk01 $DATASETS/cuhk03
~~$DATASETS/shinpuhkan ~~ --db-dirs $DB/3dpes $DB/cuhk01 $DB/cuhk03
$DB/ilids $DB/prid $DB/viper
~~$DB/shinpuhkan ~~ -- $DB/jstl
Did I do this in a wrong way? I got bad results on every experiment. The accuracy on validation set are always 0, and the loss value almost didn't fall down. I may get the Shinpuhkan dataset a few days later. But I just wonder if I can run the code without the Shinpuhkan dataset.