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referenceCategory error converting from SPDX to CycloneDX
This is the error the tool throws trying to convert from one format to other.
The JSON value could not be converted to CycloneDX.Spdx.Models.v2_2.ExternalRefCategory. Path: $.packages[0].externalRefs[0].referenceCategory
The SPDX file contains this section
"externalRefs": [
"referenceCategory": "PACKAGE-MANAGER",
"referenceLocator": "pkg:golang/[email protected]",
"referenceType": "purl"
I get the same error using the current version (0.24.2)
I am getting the same problem with most of the SPDX examples in the BOM-shelter, such as
is a valid enum value and is included for SPDX 2.3 at
I am not a C# dev and don't know how C# deserializes JSON into enums.
If I edit the spdx json and change the value PACKAGE-MANAGER
the convertion is successful.
This probably has its cause in src/CycloneDX.Spdx/Models/v2_2/ExternalRefCategory.cs
I am also seeing the same issue with 0.24.2. If I change all the PACKAGE-MANAGER entries to PACKAGE_MANAGER, I am able to convert.
I have the same issue. Github (Insights ->Dependency Graph ->Export SBOM) generates SPDX SBOMs also with PACKAGE-MANAGER
Here is what I have been doing as a work-around:
cat $file | sed 's/PACKAGE-MANAGER/PACKAGE_MANAGER/g; s/"DESCRIBE"/"DESCRIBES"/g' > /tmp/spdx.json && echo "converting $file" && cyclonedx convert --input-file /tmp/spdx.json --input-format spdxjson --output-format json --output-file /tmp/fromspdx/$file
I used a similar sed based workaround as @esnible . The proper way would be adding spdx schema 2.3, as both PACKAGE-MANAGER
are valid there:
We tried to follow the trail of what's going on here. It's a bit confusing, but to expand on what @weichslgartner said:
- The SPDX spec (v2.2.2), under 7.21.1, uses
. - The
project's schema supports bothPACKAGE-MANAGER
. - I think the cyclone dx projects pull the schema from the
project, which only supportsPACKAGE_MANAGER
Wouldn't the extremely simple solution be to add PACKAGE_MANAGER
to the externalRefs > referenceCategory
enum in the file referenced in point 3 above?
I was able to use the approach with Github Enterprise[email protected]/rest/dependency-graph/sboms?apiVersion=2022-11-28
The only problem is that the output doesn't include GHAS security vulnerabilities... Is there any other way to include the GHAS data into the SBOM?
NOTE: Note that the API payload wraps the SPDX with
... so before pipe'ing it to cyclonedx, make sure to unwrap the payload..
curl -s -H "Authorization: token ${GITHUB_TOKEN}" \
https://${GITHUB_API_SERVER}/v3/repos/ORG/REPO/dependency-graph/sbom \ |
sed 's/PACKAGE-MANAGER/PACKAGE_MANAGER/g;' | jq '.sbom' | \
cyclonedx convert --input-format spdxjson --output-format json
"bomFormat": "CycloneDX",
"specVersion": "1.5",
"metadata": {
"timestamp": "2024-08-29T00:15:34Z",
"tools": [
"name": "",
"version": "Graph"
"properties": [
"name": "spdx:spdxid",
"value": "SPDXRef-DOCUMENT"
"name": "spdx:document:spdx-version",
"value": "SPDX-2.2"
"name": "spdx:document:name",