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referenceCategory error converting from SPDX to CycloneDX

Open beltran-rubo opened this issue 1 year ago • 10 comments

This is the error the tool throws trying to convert from one format to other.

The JSON value could not be converted to CycloneDX.Spdx.Models.v2_2.ExternalRefCategory. Path: $.packages[0].externalRefs[0].referenceCategory

The SPDX file contains this section

"externalRefs": [
      "referenceCategory": "PACKAGE-MANAGER",
      "referenceLocator": "pkg:golang/[email protected]",
      "referenceType": "purl"

beltran-rubo avatar Apr 03 '23 07:04 beltran-rubo

I get the same error using the current version (0.24.2)

michha avatar May 03 '23 11:05 michha

I am getting the same problem with most of the SPDX examples in the BOM-shelter, such as

PACKAGE-MANAGER is a valid enum value and is included for SPDX 2.3 at

I am not a C# dev and don't know how C# deserializes JSON into enums.

esnible avatar May 08 '23 19:05 esnible

If I edit the spdx json and change the value PACKAGE-MANAGER to PACKAGE_MANAGER the convertion is successful.

This probably has its cause in src/CycloneDX.Spdx/Models/v2_2/ExternalRefCategory.cs

michha avatar May 09 '23 11:05 michha

I am also seeing the same issue with 0.24.2. If I change all the PACKAGE-MANAGER entries to PACKAGE_MANAGER, I am able to convert.

troy256 avatar May 17 '23 13:05 troy256

I have the same issue. Github (Insights ->Dependency Graph ->Export SBOM) generates SPDX SBOMs also with PACKAGE-MANAGER.

weichslgartner avatar Aug 25 '23 11:08 weichslgartner

Here is what I have been doing as a work-around:

cat $file | sed 's/PACKAGE-MANAGER/PACKAGE_MANAGER/g; s/"DESCRIBE"/"DESCRIBES"/g' > /tmp/spdx.json && echo "converting $file" && cyclonedx convert --input-file /tmp/spdx.json --input-format spdxjson --output-format json --output-file /tmp/fromspdx/$file

esnible avatar Aug 25 '23 12:08 esnible

I used a similar sed based workaround as @esnible . The proper way would be adding spdx schema 2.3, as both PACKAGE-MANAGER, PACKAGE_MANAGER are valid there:

weichslgartner avatar Aug 25 '23 15:08 weichslgartner

We tried to follow the trail of what's going on here. It's a bit confusing, but to expand on what @weichslgartner said:

  1. The SPDX spec (v2.2.2), under 7.21.1, uses PACKAGE-MANAGER.
  2. The spdx-spec project's schema supports both PACKAGE-MANAGER and PACKAGE_MANAGER.
  3. I think the cyclone dx projects pull the schema from the cyclonedx-dotnet-library project, which only supports PACKAGE_MANAGER.

Wouldn't the extremely simple solution be to add PACKAGE_MANAGER to the externalRefs > referenceCategory enum in the file referenced in point 3 above?

deanis74 avatar Apr 03 '24 16:04 deanis74

I was able to use the approach with Github Enterprise[email protected]/rest/dependency-graph/sboms?apiVersion=2022-11-28

The only problem is that the output doesn't include GHAS security vulnerabilities... Is there any other way to include the GHAS data into the SBOM?

NOTE: Note that the API payload wraps the SPDX with .sbom... so before pipe'ing it to cyclonedx, make sure to unwrap the payload..

curl -s -H "Authorization: token ${GITHUB_TOKEN}" \
             https://${GITHUB_API_SERVER}/v3/repos/ORG/REPO/dependency-graph/sbom \ |
                sed 's/PACKAGE-MANAGER/PACKAGE_MANAGER/g;' | jq '.sbom' | \
                cyclonedx convert --input-format spdxjson --output-format json
  "bomFormat": "CycloneDX",
  "specVersion": "1.5",
  "metadata": {
    "timestamp": "2024-08-29T00:15:34Z",
    "tools": [
        "name": "",
        "version": "Graph"
    "properties": [
        "name": "spdx:spdxid",
        "value": "SPDXRef-DOCUMENT"
        "name": "spdx:document:spdx-version",
        "value": "SPDX-2.2"
        "name": "spdx:document:name",

marcellodesales avatar Aug 29 '24 00:08 marcellodesales