
Results 35 issues of Cyberavater

If I create a new profile and just save it with a random name without changing anything, the new profile should be an exact copy of the default profile.

Eg Code: ``` val driver: WebDriver = HtmlUnitDriver(BrowserVersion.BEST_SUPPORTED, true) // driver.getOptions.setThrowExceptionOnScriptError(false) val baseUrl = "" driver.get(baseUrl) val element = driver.findElement(By.tagName("video")) println(element.getAttribute("src")) // println(driver.pageSource) driver.quit() ``` Console log: ``` Aug 10,...

> Please follow this guide to file a proper request report : * Name : Clion * Description : A cross-platform IDE for C and C++ * Website :...

:package: app request

I installed "" using TWRP, after boot the phone stuck abnormally, ![Screenshot_20200517-092833]( And if I don't sign in to google just yet it'll stuck at with a blurred out empty...

You can see there this a whole list of renowned JDKs. This project should at least have Temurin. Also, winget gives the list of all jdk to latest version,...

Can you add this in winget? Thanks!

It'd be nice n easy to have a PC GUI client.


When I widescreen games using RS_ScreenManager everything works except the images don't rescale properly. ![Screenshot (91)]( ![Screenshot (92)](

Error: ``` Exception in thread "main" com.lordcodes.turtle.ShellFailedException: Running shell command failed at com.lordcodes.turtle.ShellScript.runCommand(ShellScript.kt:87) at com.lordcodes.turtle.ShellScript.command(ShellScript.kt:48) at com.lordcodes.turtle.ShellScript.command$default(ShellScript.kt:44) at MainKt$main$output$1.invoke(Main.kt:6) at MainKt$main$output$1.invoke(Main.kt:5) at com.lordcodes.turtle.ShellKt.shellRun(Shell.kt:20) at com.lordcodes.turtle.ShellKt.shellRun$default(Shell.kt:19) at MainKt.main(Main.kt:5) at MainKt.main(Main.kt) Caused...

In the past have backed up many apps with everything. But, now with storage limitations, I want to remove all apps' all backup components except internal data. Proposal: Backup remove...
