Obsidian-Colored-Sidebar icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Obsidian-Colored-Sidebar copied to clipboard

A Colored Sidebar CSS Snippet for Obsidian.

Results 4 Obsidian-Colored-Sidebar issues
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First time pull requesting. This is a minor change tthat allows for coloured nested folders. Changes are: - Updating the data-path^ to data-path*. - Updating the .nav-folder-title to include .nav-folder...

By using the sass pre compiler, this commit turns the original css rules into a function, that can be called with only the datapath and the color arguments to generate...

Allow users to modify the colour of specific prefixes by changing the variable `var-XX` rather than the colors of specific variables.

Hi saw your youtube showcase of your setup and loved the sidebar. I made some changes that make it easier to change and assign colors. Consider adopting it if you...