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Generate Vue Forms and Data-tables fast with a simple JSON-like syntax ⚡

Results 57 blitzar issues
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newest added -- attempted to view this page repeatedly and it crashes my Chrome tab every time. Console logs don't give any indication of what's going wrong. Looking for ways to...

Bumps [vite]( from 2.9.12 to 2.9.13. Changelog Sourced from vite's changelog. 2.9.13 (2022-06-27) fix: /@fs/ dir traversal with escaped chars (fixes #8498) (#8805) (e109d64), closes #8498 #8805 fix(wasm): support decoding...


I'm storing form schemas as JSON in a db and fetch that schemas dynamically via ajax, when needed. In the advanced section of your docs you use functions as values....

PR welcome

Is there a way to use Blitzar in an APP, that uses Quasar UMD without a build step? How is it possible to build a UMD Version of Blitzar and...

PR welcome

Bumps [terser]( from 5.10.0 to 5.14.2. Changelog Sourced from terser's changelog. v5.14.2 Security fix for RegExps that should not be evaluated (regexp DDOS) Source maps improvements (#1211) Performance improvements in...


I'm trying to get the dev environment up and running, but I keep running into errors. Something doesn't seem to resolve correctly. I've tried bootstraping with lerna, but no luck....

besides `newData` and `oldData` I should also emit `formData`

good first issue

First off, this is an awesome library, thank you for maintaining it :) I'm trying to get Quasar to work with [this example]( (BlitzListForm nested in a BlitzForm) Taken the...

Preferably a list of all supported props + examples would be available in the docs, but a link will do.

import BlitzForm, instead of BlitzTable twice