game-compatibility copied to clipboard
Buffy: The Vampire Slayer [EA-018] [1.02]
From @kanelakis on March 16, 2017 11:49
Hi, I want to play but Buffy gets an error message, how can I fix it?
Copied from original issue: Cxbx-Reloaded/Cxbx-Reloaded#241
From @LukeUsher on March 16, 2017 11:53
The emulator is not developed enough to play this game yet. In a previous commit, a long time ago, it was possible to get the intro to play, but even this was unstable and didn't happen 100% of the time.
In the current state, most games do nothing, some show menus and a tiny handful get in-game, despite years of development, this emulator is still in the beginning stages.
This is a game I want to get working myself, but it is likely to be a long time away from now before it is playable.
From @kanelakis on March 16, 2017 12:30
Ok, thanks for the reply. I hope with all my heart that this emulator functions soon. Keep working to make this possible.
From @BenNottelling on March 16, 2017 16:22
@kanelakis You can help by testing the game with every new build and reporting on errors you get :D
From @kanelakis on March 16, 2017 20:7
I do not play to test the emulator, I would serve the sources where obtain them and test them.
From @BenNottelling on March 16, 2017 21:11
@kanelakis to obtain and test what?
From @kanelakis on March 16, 2017 21:21
Sorry, I misunderstood the answer.
From @BenNottelling on March 18, 2017 21:18
@kanelakis Ah, OK
@kanelakis Please add more details to this report, like log files and screenshots (if anything is shown)
From @kanelakis on March 31, 2017 14:20
Ok, I will send the error as soon as I can and image. Before the error, I appeared a triangle yellow the message telling me something about Dashboard.xbe, I can not remember well because I did not reappeared.
From @kanelakis on March 31, 2017 15:21 This is a error.
From @BiatuAutMiahn on March 31, 2017 15:25
@kanelakis, That's a pretty old version, a lot of changes have been made since then
From @kanelakis on March 31, 2017 15:26
Please send me a new version of emulator.
That looks like an old build, recently there have been some improvements, your could try the latest
From @kanelakis on March 31, 2017 15:30
Even for the game Gladius? Please send me e new version of emulator.
From @kanelakis on April 1, 2017 13:32
I downloaded your version Reloaded master, but it appears the same mistake. however, if the emulator and still in the works, expect a release that you can test with the game.
From @ObiKKa on April 13, 2017 12:4
In Hardware Video the intro logo movie (Fox Studios) was flickering on a white screen, but can see it even less than in Battlestar Galactica (Also harder to see in non-Hardware Video mode). There's a KeBugCheck error message to get past with either Hardware Video mode on or off. Then (With Hardware Video mode turned off) you enter the main menu.
- One problem: After my first time entering a start game screen or getting into the game on later retries the emulator would remember the save file(s) for the game so I cannot 'Start' a new game. Instead I have to go to the Load game screen. Where are the files that need to be deleted in order to enable a fresh start on later boots?
- I also struggled really hard to force selection in the main menu to move down below the top-most 'Start Game' option as it'd just return back there quickly. So I had to hold down the down key for the left analog nub (D-Pad buttons do not even work in this game) and then press on the Load Game option to start a game. On the first boot or first few tries I could move up and down the main menu's options just fine. But no longer.
- Also if you linger around in the menus for a bit too long then a different error message cautioning too many active threads going on will appear and stop the game.
- Addendum: I also tested this game on the old POC 0.0.1 Release version and the screen was black for a short while and then an error message popped up. So this current state here is MUCH IMPROVED over last year!
The title screen and main menu have kinda garbled rendering. Ingame GFX corruption is very bad. But you can see the in-game menus fine. Another KeBugCheck error message also popped up during the loading screen with a movie leading to the in-game world - got past it too.
Had a huge problem trimming down the fat in the Kernel document from 45MB to 5MB because the intros and controlling the menu and then entering the game took so long! Xbe_(2017-04-13).txt KrnlDebug_(2017-04-13)_Trimmed.txt
From @kanelakis on April 13, 2017 16:45
Which settings you used to do to start? I like the characteristics of the PC: OS: Windows 10 Pro 64 bit Intel Core i7 3770 3.40 GHz Ram: 16 gb Nvidia Geforce GTX 1060 6 gb
From @ObiKKa on April 13, 2017 17:24
First two screenshots above are from Hardware Video mode. All the rest are with that mode turned off because you cannot continue in Video mode after that KeBugCheck error message pops up. The secondary screen just freezes in black only. My specs: OS: Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit CPU: Intel Core i5-2500k @3.3GHz (3.60GHz Turbo) RAM: 8 GB GPU: GeForce GTX 750 Ti 2 GB
From @kanelakis on April 13, 2017 17:57
I only get the error message in the previous post. I should know which configurations to set up.
From @blueshogun96 on April 13, 2017 19:17
I have Buffy but it never shows any of this for me. I'll grab the latest build and try again.
From @kanelakis on April 13, 2017 19:55 I took the latest version, as you see it does the same thing. Whether it's hardwere or software.
I've kept my X360 around for about 10 years longer than I would have if not for this game, so every few months I give it a shot. Thought I'd report my current findings:
Corrupted graphics identical to those shown above. I can now go in game, and move around, but again the graphic corruption makes it difficult to see what I'm doing.
Finally, I receive this message right before the first level loads.
I'm just reporting my findings- not looking for support or a response. However, if there's any further information that would be helpful, I'm happy to oblige.
Was having issues but i just needed to delete the folder in AppData. The game is running much smoother in the last 2-3 weeks
Missing character and items mesh as well as some doors and gates, but the levels seem perfect. I was able to complete the first part of the level despite not being able to see the enemy's or my character haha. The sounds tend to cut out and loop but the cut scenes don't seem to have the issue. The game play lags but being on an older computer is probably not helping with that. Keep up the good work everyone XD
Playing around today trying to get some debug info that might help, I don't know how to export the full information from the debugger so i will just put in errors.
Cxbx-Reloaded Cxbx-Reloaded/Cxbx-Reloaded@3ce9b5bc Release
The debug stated these files failed to open x8 -850b510ca783\ x2 -dialogue\gen_dialogue.rpe x2 -gameinfo\screne.tpr -Sound\dsstdfx.bin -simerror.txt
Debug Output
-onecoreuap\inetcore\urlmon\zones\zoneidentifier.cxx(359)\urlmon.dll!6DB46017: (caller: 6DB46F48) ReturnHr(1) tid(2c4c) 80070002 The system cannot fond the files specified.
-onecoreuap\shell\\sharedstorageresources\util.cpp(6571)\!75ED0D0D: (caller: 75ED0BE40 ReturnHr(1) tid(2c4c) 80004002 No such interface supported
-onecore\com\combase\abjact\abjact.cxx(812)\combase.dll!77671B90: (caller: 7767093B) ReturnHr(1) tid(2c4c) 800401F0 Co Initialize has not been called
Once I load up a save file or start a new game Cxbx seems to create a new process and the debugger ends tracking, it also get stuck at that point if I select it to run on all cores. Hopefully there is some information in there to help out and if i am doing something wrong or could get more helpful information from play testing let me know how. KrnlDebug.txt
As slayerbot90 said I'm happy to do any testing too if it will help.
I can confirm the info above, and will add the lag he mentions is likely not due to his older machine.
Now that the textures are mostly working, I'm getting the same lag on a i7-7700HQ with a GTX1060.
Regardless, I've been waiting a while for this one- I'm just thrilled to see anything running at all!
As soon as I can make new tests, I left a bit pending to wait for new versions of the emulator.
Tested with Cxbx-Reloaded/Cxbx-Reloaded@b5db6492
- Using the LLE with nothing else the game won't load.
- Using the LLE with run xbox threas on all cores the intros play with the usual issues but then it frezes before the press start screen or the start screen is bugged bugged and you can't get any further
- Using the HLE same as last test
- Using the HlE with run xbox threads on all cores all is good until you load or start a new game. You get stuck on the summoning screen but it never loads.
KrnlDebug.txt I send a video of my emulator test and debug file, I hope it's not a problem. The settings are basic settings without touching anything. The game is Pal My System is: Os: Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit Ram: 16 gb Processor: Intel core i7 3770 3,40 ghz Videocard: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1060 6gb
-dialogue\gen_dialogue.rpe x2 -Sound\dsstdfx.bin are on partition 5, however they MAY also be in the level pak file, which as I understand it, is loaded into a block of memory and read from the game like a ram disk. As far as I can see each level has a corresponding pak file that contains everything needed to run that level.. if you extract all the pack files into their folders you get lots and lots of repeated files cause textures, meshs, etc get reused -gameinfo\scene.tpr is in a pak, likely res_null.pak... I can extract it to see if need be... all scene.tpr is, is an a-z list of Item material properties.. like: crateA m(wood) vehicleB1 m(MetalSolid) it so the engine can identify what the item/wall/window, etc is made of so it can determine what kind of interaction is possible (wood can be busted for example - solid metal, not so much)
oh and yes Buffy no likey more than one cpu.. it also has(or had since wolfies fixes) a nasty habit of an instance crashing when it reloads while the other instance plays normally, causing the stop option to be gray because it thinks it is not running
lots of stuff not supported
[0x0F8C] WARN: D3D8: D3DDevice_SetRenderState_LineWidth not supported!
[0x0F8C] WARN: D3D8: D3DDevice_SetRenderState_Dxt1NoiseEnable unimplemented!
[0x0F8C] WARN: Locking host Surface failed!
[0x0F8C] WARN: RenderState_Simple(0x0004034C, 0x00000000) is unsupported!
[0x0F8C] WARN: RenderState_Simple(0x000409F8, 0x00000004) is unsupported!
[0x0F8C] WARN: RenderState_Simple(0x00040384, 0x00000000) is unsupported!
[0x0F8C] WARN: RenderState_Simple(0x00040388, 0x00000000) is unsupported!
[0x0F8C] WARN: RenderState_Simple(0x00040330, 0x00000000) is unsupported!
[0x0F8C] WARN: RenderState_Simple(0x00040334, 0x00000000) is unsupported!
[0x0F8C] WARN: RenderState_Simple(0x00040338, 0x00000000) is unsupported!
[0x0F8C] WARN: RenderState_Simple(0x00041D78, 0x00000001) is unsupported!
[0x0F8C] WARN: D3D8: D3DDevice_SetRenderState_PSTextureModes unimplemented!
[0x0F8C] WARN: D3D8: D3DDevice_SetRenderState_BackFillMode not supported!
[0x0F8C] WARN: D3D8: D3DDevice_SetRenderState_TwoSidedLighting not supported!
[0x0F8C] WARN: D3D8: D3DDevice_SetRenderState_FrontFace not supported!
[0x0F8C] WARN: D3D8: D3DDevice_SetRenderState_LogicOp not supported!
[0x0F8C] WARN: D3D8: D3DDevice_SetRenderState_EdgeAntiAlias unimplemented!
[0x0F8C] WARN: D3D8: D3DDevice_SetRenderState_MultiSampleRenderTargetMode not supported!
[0x0F8C] WARN: D3D8: D3DDevice_SetRenderState_OcclusionCullEnable not supported!
[0x0F8C] WARN: D3D8: D3DDevice_SetRenderState_StencilCullEnable not supported!
[0x0F8C] WARN: D3D8: D3DDevice_SetRenderState_RopZCmpAlwaysRead not supported!
[0x0F8C] WARN: D3D8: D3DDevice_SetRenderState_RopZRead not supported!
[0x0F8C] WARN: D3D8: D3DDevice_SetRenderState_DoNotCullUncompressed not supported!
[0x0F8C] WARN: D3D8: D3DDevice_SetTextureState_ColorKeyColor not supported!
[0x0F8C] WARN: EmuD3DDevice_SetScreenSpaceOffset ignored
[0x0F8C] WARN: D3D8: D3DDevice_SetFlickerFilter ignored!
[0x0F8C] WARN: D3D8: D3DDevice_SetSoftDisplayFilter ignored!
[0x0F8C] WARN: D3D8: D3D_BlockOnResource unimplemented!
This is the result with the version Jun 14 2018, the result of the video is the same as Jun 13 2018. KrnlDebug.txt