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Broken progress tracking

Open Blindeddg opened this issue 6 months ago • 1 comments


While I was playing I noticed some of the levels have a bug that show percents that shouldn't be possible, I wish there was a fix for this or atleast make it possible to deactivate the progress tracking in the mod configuration

To clarify about the 94% percent and other ones above 52%, I have never used any kind of program to get these percents. My best was 49% and 52%

Blindeddg avatar Feb 23 '24 20:02 Blindeddg

the correct repo for the 2.2 version is

this is unfortunately a vanilla bug, however i haven't been able to find the cause. The mod just tries to make out the best it can out of the information given by the game but unfortunately it's sometimes nonsense. I have yet to find the cause and really I'm not sure what the best course of action for these bugged percentages is

Cvolton avatar Feb 23 '24 20:02 Cvolton