GMDprivateServer copied to clipboard
Nothing happens
So, when I try to open the GDPS, it does absolutely nothing. My URL is exactly 17 characters long ( I have changed the server using HxD. Now, going to open it, nothing happens. Any help?
What do you mean at nothing happens?
did you add a /database at the end in the exe?
I tried adding /database and I get "Invalid access to memory location" and before without /database the app just opens then it instantly closes
You can't add or remove bytes from client, otherwise it will not open. Move all server files to Edit values on client like this( -> Edit values on client as base64 coded (same with up but encode them base64) And try it.
I've tried changing it from to and it doesn't work. And the base64 won't work either.
It seems your server not working well. Did you added and created the database?
Yeah, I created the database using the database.sql file
But server don't think the same.
Does that mean I’m screwed?
I can't say it because i don't know what is happening in free web hostings. Did you setup connection.php file correctly?
Yeah, I put the username and password into it correctly. I don’t know if there is anything else that I’m screwing up.
the domain of your gdps server thing must be 17 letters. i tested server with more and less than 17 letters and it broke
maybe its my own fault making it fail but idk
This is what I see.
Looking at this makes me assume that you didn't configure connection.php correctly. Are you sure you put the correct thing in the server name and username?
I think I have fixed the issue with that photo because this is what it does now but the app still doesn’t open.
the domain of your gdps server thing must be 17 letters. i tested server with more and less than 17 letters and it broke
I don't think so. @GGaMErZZ
I think I have fixed the issue with that photo because this is what it does now but the app still doesn’t open.
Restart from beginning and re-edit your client. Your server seems fine and you don't need to do anything on there.
I’ll try redoing it tomorrow. It’s getting late here in the UK, it’s 9:33 PM
I’ll try redoing it tomorrow. It’s getting late here in the UK, it’s 9:33 PM
Alright. Just ask anything goes wrong.
When I try to import database.sql to phpmyadmin, it says this
When I try to import database.sql to phpmyadmin, it says this
Create a database and import into it.
Select one of the databases on the left-hand side of the screen, then import the sql.
Seems like I abandoned this, tried it again and still the same thing happens, the game doesn’t open with a new setup. My new URL is
Seems like I abandoned this, tried it again and still the same thing happens, the game doesn’t open with a new setup. My new URL is
Your current index seems empty
@Ben569483 WYM if I can make the EXE for you?
@Ben569483 WYM if I can make the EXE for you?
Well you could try, I think I’m doing everything right but there’s a chance I’m being an idiot and missing something out haha
@Ben569483 WYM if I can make the EXE for you?
Well you could try, I think I’m doing everything right but there’s a chance I’m being an idiot and missing something out haha
So I'm assuming its or just
Done! You can name the EXE inside of the ZIP whatever you want, btw.
Done! You can name the EXE inside of the ZIP whatever you want, btw.
It still does the same thing :/, does it work for you?
Got it to work for now, it’s something to do with Steam BUT I’m having trouble creating accounts on my GDPS
While looking at my FTP it said all the php files were 0 bytes
You use freewha am i right?
freewha's ftp system is broken
Oh, I never realised that the FTP was broken. Do you know any other alternative free web hosting places? And yeah I was using FreeWHA
000webhost would be ok
I think 000webhost only uses localhost for their MySQL connections
@DarkGD123 @Ben569483 Its broken? In my experience, there web FTP kinda sucked but it worked fine for me.
Yeah when you upload the files, the process will stop sometimes and some of the files are 0 bytes
This is what I see in the FTP
All the PHP files are 0 bytes
This is what I see in the FTP All the PHP files are 0 bytes
Pretty sure I got around it by uploading the master ZIP itself, then extracting it in the FTP.
This is what I see in the FTP All the PHP files are 0 bytes
Pretty sure I got around it by uploading the master ZIP itself, then extracting it in the FTP.
I’ll try that
That worked, only issue is you need Steam to be able to open the game, after this last issue is fixed I can finally close this issue.
I can’t comment on levels or on my account tho
I can’t comment on levels or on my account tho
Did you do connection.php?
Yep, I set it up correctly
What happens when you try to comment then?
It gives me no error but the comment doesn’t show up
Does leaderboards work fine?
The leaderboard loads the creator tab and the friends tab, but the others show nothing.
All of the PHP files seem to have uploaded correctly, so idk what’s causing it
Comments now work, but level downloading doesn’t work.
Now all of a sudden nothing on the GDPS will load. Profiles and levels and everything else which requires the server won’t load. Like huh?????
yeah its broken
It works now, but level downloading still doesn’t work.
Real weird why that happens, when I tried it like 8 months ago, it worked fine.
Level downloading doesn’t work, when I try to CHMOD the level files the FTP gives me an error