Luban icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Luban copied to clipboard

android Q适配

Open yongshengdev opened this issue 2 years ago • 0 comments

android Q上若传文件Uri,使用Uri类型的InputStreamProvider

new InputStreamProvider() {
                public InputStream open() throws IOException {
                    return context.getContentResolver().openInputStream(uri);

                public String getPath() {
                    return uri.getPath();

                public boolean isUri() {
                    return true;

                public long getLength() {
                    try {
                        switch (uri.getScheme()) {
                            case ContentResolver.SCHEME_FILE:
                                return new File(uri.getPath()).length();
                            case ContentResolver.SCHEME_CONTENT:
                                Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(uri, null, null, null, null);
                                long tempLength = 0;
                                if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) {
                                    tempLength = new File(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("_data"))).length();
                                return tempLength;
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                    return 0;

在原Luban compress方法中

private File compress(Context context, InputStreamProvider path) throws IOException {
        File result;

        File outFile = getImageCacheFile(context, Checker.SINGLE.extSuffix(path));

        if (mRenameListener != null) {
            String filename = mRenameListener.rename(path.getPath());
            outFile = getImageCustomFile(context, filename);

        if (mCompressionPredicate != null) {
            if (mCompressionPredicate.apply(path.getPath())
                    && Checker.SINGLE.needCompress(mLeastCompressSize, path)) {
                result = new Engine(path, outFile, focusAlpha).compress();
            } else {
                result = new File(path.getPath());
        } else {
            result = Checker.SINGLE.needCompress(mLeastCompressSize, path) ?
                    new Engine(path, outFile, focusAlpha).compress() :
                    new File(path.getPath());

        return result;

若Checker.SINGLE.needCompress()返回false,直接返回uri.getPath() = eg:/external/images/media/1947 这个路径是公共目录,不能直接通过uri访问 但通过根据InputStreamProvider的open方法返回的InputStream,可以获取到源文件数据,copy到私有目录即可

private File compress(Context context, InputStreamProvider path) throws IOException {
        File result;

        File outFile = getImageCacheFile(context, Checker.SINGLE.extSuffix(path));

        if (mRenameListener != null) {
            String filename = mRenameListener.rename(path.getPath());
            outFile = getImageCustomFile(context, filename);

        if (mCompressionPredicate != null) {
            if (mCompressionPredicate.apply(path.getPath())
                    && Checker.SINGLE.needCompress(mLeastCompressSize, path)) {
                result = new Engine(path, outFile, focusAlpha).compress();
            } else {
                // android Q后拷贝文件到私有目录
                result = path.isUri() ? new Mold(path, outFile).copy() : new File(path.getPath());
        } else {
            result = Checker.SINGLE.needCompress(mLeastCompressSize, path) ?
                    new Engine(path, outFile, focusAlpha).compress() :
                    // android Q后拷贝文件到私有目录
                    (path.isUri() ? new Mold(path, outFile).copy() : new File(path.getPath()));

        return result;


  • copy file */
class Mold {
    private InputStreamProvider srcImg;
    private File tagImg;

    Mold(InputStreamProvider srcImg, File tagImg) {
        this.tagImg = tagImg;
        this.srcImg = srcImg;

    File copy() throws IOException {
        InputStream inputStream =;
        FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(tagImg);
        byte[] b = new byte[1024];
        while (( != -1) {
            fos.write(b);// 写入数据
        return tagImg;

yongshengdev avatar Aug 12 '22 02:08 yongshengdev