Almost there 👍
You can run the unit tests locally as well. Then you don't have to wait for the full travis run.
> This will compile solely on the rpi, right? Or any other unix system. You can run the unit test with having to install anything.
> notepad++ I never use differently.
Will check it later. Currently working on wiringX.
I would say, rename the util folder to ci. Also, what is your goal with AStyle. To actually format the code or only check for errors. The first is also...
The Astyle i would suggest is: ``` astyle -n -A2 -j -k3 -W3 -s2 -S -xW -Y -w -p -U -xe -xb -xL -xC60 ```
> With -k3, -W3 isn't needed Ok > Are you sure about -s2? According to tabs are to be used for indents. Using -s2 would indent code with 2...
I like the 2 spaces best because it doesn't make things overly wide.
I prefer your `indent-after-parens` example but i believe it can be enforced by using the correct combination of ident-after-parens` and `indent-continuation`