@binwiederhier I need some help to implement this. In the WebUI I'm thinking of replacing the `@` before they are saved in the database [here]( Does there need to be...
> Android security policy on my phone does not allow working with impervious CA. Your application is no exception. @MuratovAS Are you sure about that? What do you mean by...
You can use something like [Authelia]( on your web server.
You want to use ntfy to proxy OTP requests from back-end services to OTP apps?
> web-enabled = true|false I'm working on this.
I will add EdgeTPU and then try the ARM builds.
Added libedgetpu, just needs some testing then amd64 is done. Uncompressed size. Old: 5.14GB New: 3.74GB
The arm64 build just hangs randomly after several hours. No CPU usage and no errors.
I'm using buildx. I guess the emulation uses more memory. The amd64 builds threw errors before I added a swapfile. Limiting it with `--jobs` seems to work, but now it...
arm64 build successful! Anything else you want me to do? Do you want it in a single commit?