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Results 9 ConfuserEx-Reborn issues
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Hi I'm trying to use ConfuserEX.CLI in VisualStudio via a PostBuild Event to confuse the output files of the project. This is the script I'm using: `If $(ConfigurationName) == Release+Obfuscated...

I target my assembly containing controls for Visual Studio to .Net 3.5 with license support ( After confusing it with ConfuserEx 1.0.0 (anti-tamper and constants), when the license is validated...

Hi, i get this after i added Interop.wodSSHTunnelCOMLib.dll as a reference to my project .. without it it works... any ideea why i get this error? [INFO] ConfuserEx v1.0.0-16-g7606ad8 Copyright...

Caliburn.Micro action guard properties aren't working in confused binaries unless I manually apply the following attribute to them: `[Obfuscation(Exclude = false, Feature = "-rename")]` What's really strange is I patched...

Fixed typo caused multi-view detection to check the wrong namespace.

Please revert the commit ccfa393 as it constitutes a regression for my WPF+Winforms project. The issue I get on the command line is: ``` Unhandled Exception: System.AggregateException: One or more...

See title, it seems like a perfect fit for a build tool and gives it more visibility.

The current dnlib submodule in this repository is yck1509's fork of dnlib. Given yck1509 won't be working on ConfuserEx anymore, you should fork the repository ( and use the fork...

Hi, too, can not turn off obfuscation, found that the problem is to rename, cut off the class renaming "-", it is still not working. [Obfuscation(Exclude = false, Feature =...