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Deprecated - Smol bybit scalper tool to create scaling orders & other things

Nawwa Scalper Tool (deprecated) - New repo here

---- [DEPRECATED] ----

Not supported / developed anymore.
I re-writed everything in Node/Typescript because Python is .. well :)


--- [DEPRECATED] ----

This CLI is a textual UI (TUI) scalping tool, it's goal is to automate certain action when you are trading / scalping, aka : place scale orders, auto-limit order, cancel orders, shortcuts..

This tool was made because our friend Ichibot does not support Bybit yet !

The current version of the NawwaBot only support the Bybit exchange but the code was made in a way that's easy for any developer to implement a new exchange

Twitter : @crypto_nawwa
Discord : Nawwa#8129


erc-20 : 0xc44823Cda133B49cb7F91B5cFa517FA76d3Ae561


Auto take profit system on Quantower


cancel and create orders


launch auto take profit


How to update

If you followed the install well, just double click on the script file called located in /bin/<your_python_cmd>/

This will download the new source code and create another folder located next to the one you currently have, it will also automatically copy your shortcuts and your api keys into this new folder so you don't lose them.

To run the bot, go into the new folder and just do as usual.

How to install

1 - Mandatory terminal installation - 3min

  • Install the Windows Terminal
    Because the bot has a graphic UI, you will have to use a specific terminal called Windows Terminal to make it work.

    It's a terminal developed by microsoft and you have to install it using the official microsoft store ( Official link to install )

  • Install the Gitbash terminal
    For Windows to be able to recognize and run the instal and update scripts directly from your folders we need this small Gitbash Terminal to be installed.

    It will allow you to double click on the script files and have them executed without opening any terminal yourself :)

2 - Source code install - 10min

Before going through this, please make sure you have your Bybit API key and API secret ready.

1 - Install Python > 3.10 (2 methods) :

:warning: In both case, you want to make sure python is in your PATH and is well installed. Sometimes python installs different command name, it can be python, python3, py ...

To check that everything is OK you can open the Windows Terminal previously installed and type the follow commands:

  • Try python3

    • python3 --version should print python version
    • pip3 --version should print pip version
  • Try python3.10

    • python3.10 --version should print python version
    • pip3.10 --version should print pip version
  • Try python

    • python --version should print python version >= 3.10
    • pip --version should print pip version
  • Try py

    • py --version should print python version
    • py -m ensurepip --default-pip should print pip version

If nothing works, seek in the TickChartCartel discord for help, in the Bybit Scalper Tool channel

2 - Download the source code of the scalping tool , then unzip it anywhere you like.

3 - Inside the source code, navigate to the bin folder, located under nawwa_scalper_tool-main/bin

4 - You can see multiple folders, enter the one that match the python command you use

5 - Right click on the

  • Click on Open with
  • Scroll and click on Chose another application
  • Navigate to the previously installed gitbash folder and chose gitbash and click open

5 - It should open a terminal and ask you to enter your api keys and secret, copy past them.

6 - Press enter or close the window to quit

Congratulation, you should now be able to run the scaling tool now :)

How to run the sclaping tool

1 - Navigate to the scalping tool folder

2 - Right click on an empty space in your folder and click on Open in terminal

It will open a Windows Terminal at the right place so we can run the bot


or you can also navigate manually via the terminal directly:

  cd your/path/to/nawwa_scalper_tool

2 - Type this to run the bot:

  • For bybit
  # Type this if you have python3
  python3 ./terminal/ bybit

  # Type this if you have python3.10
  python3.10 ./terminal/ bybit

  # Type this if you have python
  python ./terminal/ bybit

  # Type this if you have py
  py ./terminal/ bybit


  • Cool UI kekW
  • Bybit only (binance is comming)
  • Display current active ticker in terminal UI
  • Display current position size in terminal UI
  • Place scale reduce-only limit orders based on .% range (only support reduce-only order atm)
  • Place 1 (one) reduce only limit order, based on .% away from entry
  • Automatic take-profit system, it will automatically place pre-configured scale orders when you enter any position
  • Cancel all orders
  • Create/Update/Delete your Shortcuts (shortcuts = alias for your commands)


To add / remove shortcuts, open the shortcuts.json file located in app/shortcuts/shortcuts.json and modify it to your needs.

Shortcut file syntax is :

  "name_of_shortcut": "command",
  "name_of_shortcut_2": "command"

Example of a shortcut file :

  "s1": "scale 5 0.01 0.03",
  "s2": "scale 5 0.02 0.04",

  "tp1": "tp 0.1",
  "tp4": "tp 0.3",

  "atp4": "atp ON tp4",
  "atp4": "atp ON s1",

  "atom": "ticker atomusdt",
  "eth": "ticker ethusdt",
  "etc": "ticker etcusdt"

Pretty simple, when you type tp1 in the terminal, it will execute scale 5 0.01 0.03

You can press L on the UI and it will display the shortcut list, press L again to close

Note : Shortcut are also used by the autotp command.

Command list

ticker [ticker_name]

This command switch the active ticker to a new one

ticker ethusdt
t ethusdt

In this example, the command set the active ticker to ETHUSDT

The current active ticker is displayed on your terminal, above user input

Note : You will need to have a ticker selected to execute certain command

scale [nb_of_order] [from_%] [to_%]

This command create [nb_of_order] reduce-only limit order(s) on the active ticker, from [from_%] above entry*price to [to*%] above entry price (or below if short)

scale 10 0.1 to 0.2
s 10 0.1 to 0.2

In this example, it will create 10 orders from 0.1% to 0.2%

Note : For this command to work you need to have an open position on the active ticker

tp [away_from_entry_%]

This command create 1 (one) reduce-only limit order on the active ticker, from [away_from_entry_%] above entry_price (or below if short)

tp 0.4

In this example, it will create 1 order from 0.4% away from entry price

Note : For this command to work you need to have an open position on the active ticker

cancel [type_of_cancel]

This command cancel limit orders for the current ticker, based on the type

Available types:

  • all
cancel all
c all

shortcut [action] [shortcut_name] [shortcut_value]

This command will do the [atp_action] with [shortcut_name] and [shortcut_value] as parameter

This command is usefull to add / remove / modify shortcuts

Available actions:

  • ADD
  • DEL
shortcut ADD tp10 scale 4 0.5 0.9
s ADD tp10 scale 4 0.5 0.9`

In this example, a shortcut named tp10 will be added to the shortcuts.json file, with the shortcut value being scale 4 0.5 0.9

Assuming the file was empty, after this command it will look like this :

  "tp10": "scale 4 0.5 0.9"

Now, when you type tp10 in the terminal, it will execute scale 4 0.5 0.9

UPDATE example

autotp UP tp10 scale 2 0.1 0.2
atp UP tp10 scale 2 0.1 0.2

The update action is usefull when you want to update a certain shortcut to do something else

The result of this example in the shortcuts.json file is :

  "tp10": "scale 2 0.1 0.2"

DELETE example

autotp DEL tp10
atp DEL tp10

The del action will delete the shortcut

The result of this example in the shortcuts.json file is :

  // nothing is here since you deleted it kekLMAO

autotp [atp_action] [shortcut_name] (cancel_off)

This command will perform the [atp_action] with [shortcut_name] as parameter, cancel_off is optional

Actions availabe :

  • ON
  • OFF

Writing cancel_off at the end will disable the automatic cancelation of orders when the ATP is triggered.

Autotp (for automatic take profit) system will automatically set reduce-only limit orders based on the shortcut config you gave him.

:warning: Once it's ON , the autotp system works for all the positions you enter, on every ticker. It means that if you take a trade on another pair, it will place the limit order(s), it's not only related to the current active ticker (might change that later if it's a problem)

ON examples

autotp ON tp1
atp ON tp1

This will activate the autotp system with the shortcut tp1 as limit order config
It means, if we enter a position on any coin, the bot will execute this shortcut "tp1" : scale 10 0.1 to 0.2

  • It will cancel the limit orders active for this coin (if any)
  • It will automatically set 10 limit orders from 0.1 to 0.2 each time you enter a position

Note : Obviously, only use scale or tp shortcuts

atp ON tp1 cancel_off

This will activate the autotp system with the shortcut tp1 as limit order config, with the cancel_off options.

It means, if we enter a position on any coin, the bot will execute this shortcut "tp1" : scale 10 0.1 to 0.2

  • It will NOT cancel the limit orders active for this coin
  • It will automatically set 10 limit orders from 0.1 to 0.2 each time you enter a position

UPDATE example

autotp UPDATE tp4
atp UP tp4
atp UP tp4 cancel_off

This will update the shortcut used by the autotp cmd to the shortcut called tp4

Note : shortcuts needs to be defined in the file located in shortcuts/shortcuts.json

OFF example

autotp OFF
atp OFF

This will disable the autotp system

STATUS example

autotp STATUS
atp ST

This will print the current status (ON / FF)

For devs - How to Implement another exchange

The code was made so it's easy for any developer to implement another exchange than Bybit (hopefully)

You just have to create a class that implements the Exchange abstract class, and the methods.

Then, for the frontend to use your exchange, just replace the exchange_client parameter in :, title="Nawwa's Scalping Tool", log="scalping_tool.log")

by, title="Nawwa's Scalping Tool", log="scalping_tool.log")

Everything is typed with TypedDict, so as long as you return the correct data, it should work


If you need any help, follow & dm me on twitter crypto_nawwa or add me on Discord Nawwa#8129


Downloading and using this bot is at your own risk, you take full responsabilities and if you lose money it's your own fault. I recommand using it on a test account first.
