**Command(s)** - NA **Description** After a member has a supporting-role, they are unable to invite the bot to their server without actually adding it to their personal allowed list (which...
**Feature Description** It would be nice to be able to limit the quantity of edits individuals can make since their last count. **Alternatives Considered** instead of limiting the quantity of...
the user creating the ticket & the added support role do not have "Read Message History" permissions Might it be possible instead to just copy the "everyone" permissions from the...
{year}{month}{day}{hour}{minute} produced: 2021112165 I don't know if that is saying it is Nov 2nd at 1:65 (65?) OR if it is saying it is more likely saying Nov 2nd at...
It would be awesome to also have a tiered list of the leasts for players. (tracking deaths on our server) Currently we are just making the leader-board longer to include...
Not sure when it does the leader-boards exactly. If set to 720 minutes, does that mean it wont do the first one until 12 hours after the time I last...
A message sent to discord each time a new day happens (preferably with %day% for customizing the message)
{embed({ "footer": { "text": "%%Date&Time_TIMESTAMP%%" }, "thumbnail": { "width": 810, "url": "%%%%%CONFIG:imageURL1a.png%%%%%", "proxy_url": "%%%%%CONFIG:imageURL1b.png%%%%%", "height": 810 }, "color": %%%%%CONFIG:color%%%%%, "type": "rich", "description": "%%%%%CONFIG:world_name%%%%%", "fields": [ { "value": "%%%_COORDINATES_FROM_MAP_%%%", "name": "**coordinates:**",...