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LDAP with TLS - Unable to authenticate to LDAP when enabling TLS connections

Open bananabob93 opened this issue 1 year ago • 1 comments

I am having issues connecting to LDAP using TLS. When I am not using TLS in my configuration (port 389 + ldap vs. port 636 + ldaps) I can authenticate without issues. As soon as I configure the connection with TLS it will not authenticate. I believe the issue is that my connection is not using the certificate that I have mounted to etc/openldap/certs. I also am not sure how and which environment variables to set to indicate which path to use for the correct certificate.


I would like to find out either:

  • Where to mount the certificate so that it is used in TLS connections to LDAP
  • How to configure an environment variable (or etc/openldap/ldap.conf?) to specify a certain path to a certificate.


Please provide the following details:

  • Platform: Kubernetes
  • Platform Version: 1.21
  • PGO Image Tag: ubi8-14.4-0
  • Postgres Version 14
  • Storage: -

bananabob93 avatar Sep 29 '22 15:09 bananabob93