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Lightweight RESTful Geospatial Feature Server for PostGIS in Go



A lightweight RESTful geospatial feature server for PostGIS, written in Go. It supports the OGC API - Features REST API standard.

See also our companion project pg_tileserv.


  • Implements the OGC API - Features standard.
    • Standard query parameters: limit, bbox, bbox-crs, property filtering, sortby, crs
    • Query parameters filter and filter-crs allow CQL filtering, with spatial support
    • Extended query parameters: offset, properties, transform, precision, groupby
  • Data responses are formatted in JSON and GeoJSON
  • Provides a simple HTML user interface, with web maps to view spatial data
  • Uses the power of PostgreSQL to reduce the amount of code and to make data definition easy and familiar.
    • Feature collections are defined by database objects (tables and views)
    • Filters are executed in the database, and use indexes where defined
  • Uses PostGIS to provide geospatial functionality:
    • Spatial filtering
    • Transforming geometry data into the output coordinate system
    • Marshalling feature data into GeoJSON
  • Full-featured HTTP support
    • CORS support with configurable Allowed Origins
    • GZIP response encoding
    • HTTP and HTTPS support

For a full list of software capabilities see FEATURES.


  • User Guide
  • FEATURES - full list of software capabilities
  • API - summary of the web service API

Relevant Standards


Builds of the latest code:

Build from Source

pg_featureserv is developed under Go 1.13. It may also work with earlier versions.

In the following, replace version <VERSION> with the pg_featureserv version are building against.

Without a Go environment

Without go installed, you can build pg_featureserv in a docker image:

  • Download or clone this repository into $GOPATH/src/
  • Run the following command in pg_featureserv/:
    make APPVERSION=<VERSION> clean build-in-docker

In Go environment

  • Download or clone this repository into $GOPATH/src/

  • To build the executable, run the following commands:

    cd $GOPATH/src/
    go build
  • This creates a pg_featureserv executable in the application directory

  • (Optional) Run the unit tests using go test

Docker image of pg_featureserv

Build the image

make APPVERSION=<VERSION> clean docker

Run the image

To run using an image built above:

docker run --rm -dt -e DATABASE_URL=postgres://user:pass@host/dbname -p 9000:9000 pramsey/pg_featureserv:<VERSION>

Configure the service

The configuration file is automatically read from the following locations, if it exists:

  • In the system configuration directory, at /etc/pg_featureserv.toml
  • Relative to the directory from which the program is run, ./config/pg_featureserv.toml
  • In a root volume at /config/pg_featureserv.toml

To specify a configuration file directly use the --config commandline parameter. In this case configuration files in other locations are ignored.

Configuration Using Environment Variables

To set the database connection the environment variable DATABASE_URL can be used with a Postgres connection string:

export DATABASE_URL="host=localhost user=postgres"

Other parameters in the configuration file can be over-ridden in the environment. Prepend the upper-cased parameter name with PGFS_section_ to set the value. For example, to change the HTTP port and service title:



For SSL support, a server private key and an authority certificate are needed. For testing purposes you can generate a self-signed key/cert pair using openssl:

openssl req  -nodes -new -x509  -keyout server.key -out server.crt

These are set in the configuration file:

TlsServerCertificateFile = "/path/server.crt"
TlsServerPrivateKeyFile = "/path/server.key"

Run the service

  • Change to the application directory:
    • cd $GOPATH/src/
  • Start the server:
    • ./pg_featureserv
  • Open the service home page in a browser:
    • http:/localhost:9000/home.html

Command-line options

  • -? - show command usage
  • --config file.toml - specify configuration file to use
  • --debug - set logging level to TRACE (can also be set in config file)
  • --devel - run in development mode (e.g. HTML templates reloaded every query)
  • --test - run in test mode, with an internal catalog of tables and data
  • --version - display the version number


To get detailed information about service operation run with the --debug commandline parameter.

./pg_featureserv --debug

Debugging can also be enabled via the configuration file (Server.Debug=true), or in the environment:


Requests Overview

Features are identified by a collection name and feature id pair.

The default response is in JSON/GeoJSON format. Append .html to the request path to see the UI page for the resource. In a web browser, to request a JSON response append .json to the path (which overrides the browser Accept header).

The example requests assume that the service is running locally and configured to listen on port 9000.

  • Landing page (HTML or JSON): http://localhost:9000/
  • Landing page (HTML): http://localhost:9000/index,html
  • Landing page (JSON): http://localhost:9000/index.json
  • OpenAPI definition: http://localhost:9000/api
  • OpenAPI test UI: http://localhost:9000/api.html
  • Conformance: http://localhost:9000/conformance
  • Collections: http://localhost:9000/collections
  • Collections UI: http://localhost:9000/collections.html
  • Feature collection metadata: http://localhost:9000/collections/{name}
  • Feature collection UI: http://localhost:9000/collections/{name}.html
  • Features from a single feature collection: http://localhost:9000/collections/{name}/items
  • Features from a single feature collection (Map UI): http://localhost:9000/collections/{name}/items.html
  • Single feature from a feature collection: http://localhost:9000/collections/{name}/items/{featureid}
  • Functions (JSON): http://localhost:9000/functions
  • Functions UI: http://localhost:9000/functions.html
  • Function metadata: http://localhost:9000/functions/{name}
  • Function UI: http://localhost:9000/functions/{name}.html
  • Features from a function (JSON): http://localhost:9000/functions/{name}/items
  • Features from a function (Map UI): http://localhost:9000/functions/{name}/items.html

See API Summary for a summary of the web service API.