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The CrowdStrike Falcon SDK for Python
FalconPy - The CrowdStrike Falcon SDK for Python
The FalconPy SDK contains a collection of Python classes that abstract CrowdStrike Falcon OAuth2 API interaction, removing duplicative code and allowing developers to focus on just the logic of their solution requirements.
- Overview
- Quick Start
- Documentation and Support
- Contribute to FalconPy
Overview 🔎
There are many CrowdStrike Falcon API service collections collectively containing hundreds of individual operations, all of which are accessible to your project via FalconPy.
The CrowdStrike Falcon SDK for Python completely abstracts token management, while also supporting interaction with all CrowdStrike regions, custom connection and response timeouts, routing requests through a list of proxies, disabling SSL verification, and custom header configuration.
If the CrowdStrike APIs were rings of great power, that the Dark Lord Sauron gifted to the kings of dwarves, elves and men, then CrowdStrike's FalconPy would be the One Ring.
"One SDK to rule them all, One SDK to find them, One SDK to bring them all and in the darkness bind them."
Supported versions of Python
The CrowdStrike Falcon SDK for Python was developed for Python 3, and does not support versions of Python below 3.6. Every commit to the FalconPy code base is unit tested for functionality using all versions of Python the library currently supports.
While Python 3.5 should not have problems running FalconPy, as of February 2021 this version is no longer analyzed as part of our unit testing.
Supported Operating Systems
The FalconPy SDK is unit tested on the following operating systems.
FalconPy will also run on any of the following operating systems.
Details regarding supported operating systems and Python versions, and project security and testing procedures can be found here.
The FalconPy SDK provides two distinct methods for interacting with CrowdStrike's API.
Service Classes | The Uber Class |
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Each Service Class represents a single CrowdStrike API service collection providing an interface to the operations available within that service collection. | An all-in-one class that provides a singular interface for all operations in every CrowdStrike API service collection. |
Service Classes
Representing a single CrowdStrike Falcon API service collection, each Service Class has a method defined for every operation available within that service collection.
Available Service Classes
For each CrowdStrike Falcon API service collection, a matching Service Class is available in the FalconPy library.
Service Collection | Code Location | Class Name |
CrowdStrike Device Control | device_control_policies.py | DeviceControlPolicies |
CrowdStrike Custom Indicators of Attack (IOAs) | custom_ioa.py ioa_exclusions.py |
CustomIOA<BR/>IOAExclusions |
CrowdStrike Custom Indicators of Compromise (IOCs) | ioc.py <BR/> iocs.py Deprecated | IOC<BR/>Iocs |
CrowdStrike Detections | detects.py | Detects |
CrowdStrike Falcon Discover | discover.py | Discover |
Discover for Cloud and Containers<BR/>AWS Accounts<BR/>Azure Subscriptions, GCP Projects | <BR/>cloud_connect_aws.py<BR/>d4c_registration.py | <BR/>CloudConnectAWS<BR/>D4CRegistration |
CrowdStrike Event Streams | event_streams.py | EventStreams |
CrowdStrike Falcon Container | falcon_container.py | FalconContainer |
CrowdStrike Falcon Horizon | cspm_registration.py | CSPMRegistration |
CrowdStrike FileVantage | filevantage.py | FileVantage |
CrowdStrike Firewall Management | firewall_management.py | FirewallManagement |
CrowdStrike Firewall Policy Management | firewall_policies.py | FirewallPolicies |
CrowdStrike Falcon Complete Dashboard | falcon_complete_dashboard.py | FalconCompleteDashboard |
CrowdStrike Falcon Flight Control | mssp.py | FlightControl |
CrowdStrike Falcon Sandbox | sample_uploads.py falconx_sandbox.py <BR/> quick_scan.py |
SampleUploads<BR/>FalconXSandbox<BR/>QuickScan |
CrowdStrike Falcon X | intel.py<BR/>recon.py | Intel<BR/>Recon |
CrowdStrike Host Groups | host_group.py | HostGroup |
CrowdStrike Hosts | hosts.py | Hosts |
CrowdStrike Incident and Detection Monitoring | incidents.py | Incidents |
CrowdStrike Identity Protections | identity_protection.py | IdentityProtection |
CrowdStrike Installation Tokens | installation_tokens.py | InstallationTokens |
CrowdStrike Kubernetes Protection | kubernetes_protection.py | KubernetesProtection |
CrowdStrike MalQuery | malquery.py | MalQuery |
CrowdStrike Message Center | message_center.py | MessageCenter |
CrowdStrike ML Exclusions | ml_exclusions.py | MLExclusions |
CrowdStrike OAuth2 Auth Token | oauth2.py | OAuth2 |
CrowdStrike Overwatch Dashboard | overwatch_dashboard.py | OverwatchDashboard |
CrowdStrike Prevention Policy | prevention_policy.py | PreventionPolicy |
CrowdStrike Quarantine | quarantine.py | Quarantine |
CrowdStrike Real Time Response (RTR) | real_time_response.py | RealTimeResponse |
CrowdStrike Realtime Response (RTR) Administration | real_time_response_admin.py | RealTimeResponseAdmin |
CrowdStrike Realtime Response (RTR) Policies | response_policies.py | ResponsePolicies |
CrowdStrike Report Executions | report_executions.py | ReportExecutions |
CrowdStrike Scheduled Reports | scheduled_reports.py | ScheduledReports |
CrowdStrike Sensor Download | sensor_download.py | SensorDownload |
CrowdStrike Sensor Visibility Exclusions | sensor_visibility_exclusions.py | SensorVisibilityExclusions |
CrowdStrike Sensor Update Policy Management | sensor_update_policy.py | SensorUpdatePolicy |
CrowdStrike Spotlight | spotlight_evaluation_logic.py<BR/>spotlight_vulnerabilities.py | SpotlightEvaluationLogic<BR/>SpotlightVulnerabilities |
CrowdStrike User and Roles | user_management.py | UserManagement |
CrowdStrike Falcon Zero Trust Assessment | zero_trust_assessment.py | ZeroTrustAssessment |
Service Class benefits
- Closely follows Python and OpenAPI best practice for code style and syntax. PEP-8 compliant.
- Completely abstracts token management, automatically refreshing your token when it expires.
- Provides simple programmatic patterns for interacting with CrowdStrike Falcon APIs.
- Supports cloud region autodiscovery for the CrowdStrike
regions. - Supports dynamic configuration based upon the needs of your environment.
- Supports CrowdStrike Falcon API parameter abstraction functionality.
- Supports CrowdStrike Falcon API body payload abstraction functionality.
The Uber Class
Operating as a single harness for interacting with the entire CrowdStrike Falcon API, the Uber Class can access every available operation within every API service collection.
Code Location | |
api_complete.py | The Uber Class provides an interface to all CrowdStrike APIs with a single handler. This solution supports communicating with API endpoints that do not have an available Service Class or are recently released. |
Uber Class benefits
- Access every CrowdStrike Falcon API service collection with only one import and only one class.
- Completely abstracts token management, automatically refreshing your token when it expires.
- Interact with newly released API operations not yet available in the library via the
keyword. - Provides simple programmatic patterns for interacting with CrowdStrike Falcon APIs.
- Supports cloud region autodiscovery for the CrowdStrike
regions. - Supports CrowdStrike Falcon API parameter abstraction functionality.
- Supports all environment configuration options supported by FalconPy Service Classes.
Comparing FalconPy class types
While the usage syntax varies slightly, the Uber Class provides the same performance and output as FalconPy Service Classes, and can perform all of the same operations. The Uber Class does not support body payload abstraction but does provide unique override
functionality that is not available when you are using Service Classes.
Quick Start 💫
Stable releases of FalconPy are available on the Python Package Index. In a terminal, execute the following command:
python3 -m pip install crowdstrike-falconpy
Once installed, you can immediately begin using CrowdStrike functionality in your Python projects.
"""CrowdStrike FalconPy Quick Start."""
from falconpy import Hosts
hosts = Hosts(client_id="CROWDSTRIKE_API_CLIENT_ID", client_secret="CROWDSTRIKE_API_SECRET")
SEARCH_FILTER = "hostname-search-string"
# Retrieve a list of hosts that have a hostname that matches our search filter
hosts_search_result = hosts.query_devices_by_filter(filter=f"hostname:'{SEARCH_FILTER}'")
# Confirm we received a success response back from the CrowdStrike API
if hosts_search_result["status_code"] == 200:
hosts_found = hosts_search_result["body"]["resources"]
# Confirm our search produced results
if hosts_found:
# Retrieve the details for all matches
hosts_detail = hosts.get_device_details(ids=hosts_found)["body"]["resources"]
for detail in hosts_detail:
# Display the AID and hostname for this match
aid = detail["device_id"]
hostname = detail["hostname"]
print(f"{hostname} ({aid})")
print("No hosts found matching that hostname within your Falcon tenant.")
# Retrieve the details of the error response
error_detail = hosts_search_result["body"]["errors"]
for error in error_detail:
# Display the API error detail
error_code = error["code"]
error_message = error["message"]
print(f"[Error {error_code}] {error_message}")
More samples
If you are interested in reviewing more examples of FalconPy usage, this repository also maintains a collection of samples to help get you started with integrating CrowdStrike Falcon into your DevOps processes.
Documentation and Support 📖
FalconPy is a community-driven open source project designed to assist developers with implementing CrowdStrike's APIs within their applications, and is not a formal CrowdStrike product. As such it carries no formal support, expressed or implied.
Official Project Documentation: falconpy.io
Extended documentation is also available via the wiki for this repository.
Issues and Questions
Is something going wrong? 🔥
GitHub Issues are used to report bugs and errors.
Have a question you can't find answered in the documentation?
Please submit usage questions to the Q&A section of our discussion board.
Community forums
The discussion board for this repository also provides the community with means to communicate regarding enhancements ideas, integration examples and new releases.
Additional content
The following materials have been produced by the maintainers and members of the community regarding FalconPy.
More information regarding FalconPy documentation and support can be found here.
Contribute to FalconPy ☕
Interested in being acknowledged as a member of an elite community of security-focused Python developers that stop breaches?
There are many ways you can contribute to the FalconPy project!
Providing feedback by opening a GitHub ticket. Even a fly-by "hey, this worked..." is appreciated and helps validate approaches. Ideas on improving the project are most welcome.
Documenting, blogging, or creating videos, of how you've used FalconPy! This type of content is invaluable and helps our community grow. Open a pull request for inclusion in the Additional content section of this page.
Fix a bug or implement a new feature. Check out our open issues on GitHub or our discussion board for inspiration.
Review pull requests by going through the queue of open pull requests on GitHub and giving feedback to the authors.
To get started, review the Code of Conduct for community guidelines, and the contribution guide for more detail regarding contributing to the CrowdStrike FalconPy project.