falcon-operator copied to clipboard
[FEATURE REQUEST] Ability to Sync DaemonSet version with a sensor update policy
Operator should be able to monitor via API the version of sensors applied in a sensor update policy on a schedule basis. if the policy is updated then operator should update the DaemonSet CRD with the new version to trigger a new deployment.
Can you share the yaml file of Operator--> NodeSensor to understand how it works if i apply the DaemonSet for EKS or AKS cluster?
hello @afroz1
why commenting on this issue which is not related to your request ?
You can use helm to achieve your need: https://github.com/CrowdStrike/falcon-helm/tree/main/helm-charts/falcon-sensor
helm repo add crowdstrike https://crowdstrike.github.io/falcon-helm --force-update
helm template falcon-helm crowdstrike/falcon-sensor -n falcon-system --create-namespace --set falcon.cid="aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-bb" --set node.image.repository="FALCON_IMAGE_REPO" --set node.image.tag="FALCON_IMAGE_TAG" --set node.image.registryConfigJSON="FALCON_IMAGE_PULL_TOKEN"