unicode-proposals icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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Openwave Emoji/Pictogram list

Open Crissov opened this issue 7 years ago • 0 comments

Openwave Mobile Browser

<img localsrc="78" src="" />
<img localsrc="bird" src=""/>
body {background-image: localsrc("78")}
ul>li {-list-style-image: localsrc("bird")}

These images are reused for WAP Pictograms #260.

Size and style vary by make and model of the phone and version of the browser. The ID numbers basically match EZweb emojis.

Support: IDs 1–175, 500–536 in Openwave Mobile Browser 6.1+; 537–561 in 6.2+

ID Image Emoji
1 exclamation1
2 exclamation2
3 question1
4 question2
5 lefttri1
6 righttri1
7 lefttri2
8 righttri2
9 littlesquare1
9 littlesquare1
10 littlesquare2
11 isymbol
12 wineglass
13 speaker
14 dollarsign
15 moon1
16 bolt
17 medsquare1
18 medsquare2
19 littlediamond1
20 littlediamond2
21 bigsquare1
22 bigsquare2
23 littlecircle1
24 littlecircle2
25 wristwatch
26 plus
27 minus
28 star1
29 uparrow1
30 downarrow1
31 circleslash
32 downtri1
33 uptri1
34 downtri2
35 uptri2
36 bigdiamond1
37 bigdiamond2
38 biggestsquare1
39 biggestsquare2
40 bigcircle1
41 bigcircle2
42 uparrow2
43 downarrow2
44 sun
45 baseball
46 clock
47 moon2
48 bell
49 pushpin
50 smallface
51 heart
52 martini
53 bud
54 trademark
55 multiply
56 document1
57 hourglass1
58 hourglass2
59 floppy1
60 snowflake
61 cross1
62 cross2
63 rightarrow1
64 leftarrow1
65 mug
66 divide
67 calendar
68 smileyface
69 star2
70 rightarrow2
71 leftarrow2
72 gem
73 checkmark1
74 dog
75 star3
76 sparkle
77 lightbulb
78 bird
79 folder1
80 head1
81 copyright
82 registered
83 briefcase
84 folder2
85 phone1
86 voiceballoon
87 creditcard
88 uptri3
89 downtri3
90 usa
91 note3
92 clipboard
93 cup
94 camera1
95 rain
96 football
97 book1
98 stopsign
99 trafficlight
100 book2
101 book3
102 book4
103 document2
104 scissors
105 day
106 ticket
107 cloud
108 envelope1
109 check
110 videocam
111 camcorder
112 house
113 flower
114 knife
115 vidtape
116 glasses
117 roundarrow1
118 roundarrow2
119 magnifyglass
120 key
121 note1
122 note2
123 boltnut
124 shoe
125 car
126 floppy2
127 chart
128 graph1
129 mailbox
130 flashlight
131 rolocard
132 check2
133 leaf
134 hound
135 battery
136 scroll
137 thumbtack
138 lockkey
139 dollar
140 lefthand
141 righthand
142 tablet
143 paperclip
144 present
145 tag
146 meal1
147 books
148 truck
149 pencil
150 Logo
151 envelope2
152 wrench
153 outbox
154 inbox
155 phone2
156 factory
157 ruler1
158 ruler2
159 graph2
160 meal2
161 phone3
162 plug
163 family
164 link
165 package
166 fax
167 partlycloudy
168 plane
169 boat
170 dice
171 newspaper
172 train
173 blankfull
174 blankhalf
175 blankquarter
500 pclogo
501 lockcertificate
502 caps
503 lower
504 numbers
505 symbols
506 accept
507 checkbox
508 edit
509 radio
510 view
511 back
513 exit
514 home
515 inbox
516 mark
517 personal
518 reload
519 arrow
520 :)
521 :(
522 ;)
523 :D
524 :|
525 :P
526 :o
527 one
528 two
529 three
530 four
531 five
532 six
533 seven
534 eight
535 nine
536 zero
537 upperRight
538 upperLeft
539 lowerRight
540 lowerLeft
541 fingerUp
542 fingerDown
543 password
544 nextItem
545 clear
546 receive
547 send
548 insecure
549 underConstruction
550 beginner
551 cd
552 dvd
553 radio
554 tv
555 notice
556 position
557 freeofcharge
558 tollfree
559 sharpdial
560 reserved
561 speachinfo

ezweb parallel001_175 ezweb parallel500_518

Crissov avatar Feb 26 '17 00:02 Crissov