Christopher Pfohl

Results 45 comments of Christopher Pfohl

Sorry, got caught up in other unrelated work, it might have to wait a bit. On the other hand, if it works....

@Rich-Harris I'm going to leave this open for a week or so then just close it. It's fine if you don't want to use it, but my open PR queue...

`npx tsc index.js --declaration --allowJs --emitDeclarationOnly --outDir types` OK, I've tested the above. Works beautifully. Then you can do `"types": "types/index.d.ts"` in package.json and make all us type nerds happy...

Ew. Super gross. Had the same issue, had to read to the bottom of this to realize it was failing because it wanted an X-Server that I didn't typically run...

Ultimately this is just about the _default_ value, so `Map` right?

@josegrad pretty sure that 'eager loading detected' is actually the `n_plus_one` detector. 'Unused eager loading' would be if you _do_ have `.includes([:shipments])` but you don't consume it.

You _want_ this to run in the context of the called repository? That's not a reusable workflow then, you're talking about workflow-dispatch. I've used [benc-uk/workflow-dispatch]( for this before. A reusable...

@hex0cter my workflows these days look like a lot of `workflow_call` handlers that all call each other: ```yml name: Production Deploy permissions: id-token: write contents: read actions: write pull-requests: read...

Right, I'm just demoing how I manage it all! The combo of workflow calls and environment as an argument is pretty powerful.