flutter_linkify copied to clipboard
Not able to dismiss Toolbar Options
Toolbar Options are not dismissible for SelectableLinkify widget if tapped outside the widget
Can you provide a full code example for this?
Scaffold( appBar: AppBar(title: Text("Demo")), body: Column(children: [ Text( "Greetings!!!!", style: TextStyle( fontSize: 26, ), ), SizedBox( height: 10, ), SelectableLinkify( text: "Officia sunt nulla anim veniam ullamco et ex dolor ullamco amet ea ad ad culpa. Dolore labore elit cupidatat ipsum in nostrud esse eu. Ut eu cillum officia esse sit non minim velit aute ex.", onOpen: (link) => launchUrl(link.url), linkifiers: [ UrlLinkifier(), EmailLinkifier(), ], style: TextStyle().copyWith(fontSize: 18), linkStyle: TextStyle( color: Colors.blue, ), ) ]), );
For the above Scaffold Widget, if you run this code and open toolbar options then if you click outside the selectable linkify widget you will not be able to dismiss those options.