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Embroidery Library for Processing

Results 27 PEmbroider issues
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I noticed that the concentric fill tends to create many overlapping stitching paths at the edges when inputting a PImage with 'holes' in it(this could easily result in a broken...

Here are two photos of what the same image looks like on my Janome 230E preview display. The first still shows some remainder of the last stitching process. It uses...

This might be related to some of the efforts done in this thread. So far my workflow always required me to open the generated .jef file in Premier+2 app...

hello! small issue + one I'm also happy to help resolve if you can point me in the right direction. When I load files into my machine via USB, they...

Please tell me if this is a "feature", or a bug, or a misunderstanding. Tested on a Brother PR1050X. The render of the Hello World shows red lines between shapes,...

I am not sure if "bridges" is the right term; but it would be awesome to enable an option for which small bridge-stitches are replaced with repeating an already existing...

I would like to draw a complex line and am using ``` E.stroke(0); E.strokeMode(E.PERPENDICULAR); E.strokeWeight(20); E.strokeSpacing(14); E.beginShape(); E.strokeWeight(20); E.strokeSpacing(4); E.vertex(250, 470); E.vertex(525, 550); E.vertex(900, 470); E.vertex(900, 650); E.vertex(250, 600); E.endShape();...

How would I go about getting access to all the polylines after the library generated them? I would like to manually reorder them so that A: they are always executed...

I am noticing that some commercial embroidery designs fill lay down a support stitch, probably to prevent the fabric from bunching up. For example, in this image you can see...

I am on macOS 10.14.6 with Eclipse IDE for Java Developers Version: Luna Service Release 2 (4.4.2) and trying to compile PEmbroider but get this error message related to `ContentMismanagementSystem.jar;...